About Me...

Hey ladies, I thought we could tell a little about ourselves and not have to worry about it getting lost in the news feed!

My name is Rhonda and I'm a 34 year old wife/stay-at-home and homeschooling mom of 3! I live in Louisiana and have almost been married for 15 years!
I've struggled with my weight since around 12 or 13. I grew up eating NO VEGETABLES except a little iceberg lettuce and some green beans sometimes, if I wanted to but NEVER just because they were good for me. Around 16 I decided if boys were ever going to notice me I better lose some weight! I gave half-hearted attempts but the month I turned 17 I decided I was DONE being fat and started exercising 2-3 times a day and BARELY eating. I lost 30lbs in a month and maintained that for almost three years by minimal eating. Got married at 19 and was pregnant with my 1st before I was 20...had babies at 20, 21 and 23.
I decided to get back in shape when my baby was 2-3. I worked so hard for 6 months and got.2 lbs from my goal weight and pretty much just quit and went back to my old ways and the weight started coming back! So, I can't use my babies as an excuse because I was in good shape even after they were born!
Fast forward a few years and we decided to take our family on the road and I have put on at least 10lbs a year making a total of about 70lbs in the last 7 years :/
My friend, Amanda, invited me to try FIT last September and at our initial weigh-in I saw that I was over 200lbs! It was such a sad moment and a real wake up call! I've lost 33lbs since then and plan to keep going!!! I'm so thankful that God brought FIT into my life :)


  • mesiegler
    mesiegler Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Rhonda,

    I enjoyed reading your story. Thanks for sharing! Let me introduce myself.

    My name is Mary Ellen, I'm almost 44 years old and have three children too. They are 13, 11, and 10. I live in Massachusetts and have been married for 15 year this October. I homeschool my children as well.

    I was always relatively thin until I had babies. Although, I remember always feeling like I needed to lose weight when I was younger. When I look back of pictures of myself I wonder how in the world I could have thought I was fat then! What I would give to be that "fat" now! I always watched what I ate and tried to exercise here and there. If I gained a few extra pounds I would always get back on track rather quickly and lose the weight. When I got married at age 29 I was about 15 pounds overweight. We started having children right away and I gained a lot of weight with my first pregnancy. I haven't been back to my pre-pregnancy weight since. About 8 years ago I got 5 lbs. from my pre-pregnancy weight, but didn't stay there for that long and started to slowly put weight back on. Throughout the last 7 years my weight has fluctuated up and down about 10 lbs. This year though I finally reached my highest weight of 180 lbs. I'm only 5'2" so it's a lot of weight for me. I have been down about my weight for so long. Not a day goes by where I don't think I need to lose the weight.

    I finally started eating well a couple of weeks ago and began exercising. I was out one morning walking down by the waterfront and I prayed a somewhat desperate prayer, "Lord, please help me follow through this time with my weight loss efforts." Later that morning I happened to be on FB, which prior to joining the FIT Challenge I wasn't on FB much. I saw a post by my friend Desha Davis. She had posted a before and after picture on her page. I couldn't believe how thin she was! She looked great! She told me about FIT. I knew that the Lord caused me to be on FB, just at the right moment to see Desha's post and to lead me to FIT! I just know that He answered my prayer!

    I am excited to be a part of FIT and finally have hope that I might actually lose all the weight once and for all. I am still wrestling with negative thoughts and fear of failure, but I'm taking one day at a time and leaning on the Lord for strength.

    The future is bright!
  • snoopymcc
    snoopymcc Posts: 19
    Can't wait to see what all God will do in our lives if we let Him have control!!!
  • Just now seeing these, ladies. Love it!
  • Jeffswife15
    Jeffswife15 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    My name is Laura Craig and I'm brand new to the FIT group. I never struggled with my weight, even after 2 pregnancies, until April of 2005. I had been extremely sick for over a year, and was finally dx with Addison's Disease or primary adrenal insufficiency. Basically, my adrenal glands function is gone, they are calcified. The only treatment is oral corticosteroids, so I am steroid dependent for life. Within a month of treatment, I had gained 30 lbs even though I was feeling much better. Over the course of the last 9 years on steroids, I have gained 75 pounds. I have multiple autoimmune issues, including hashimoto's (hypothyroid) and struggle with chronic illness every day.

    I am praying that the Lord will help me in the next 8 weeks to reduce my weight (even 5 lbs), help me keep my blood sugar under control (I am prediabetic), help me exercise regularly, help me eat less gluten and refined carbs, and help me reduce my use of artificial sweeteners.

    I have several obstacles to overcome, but I am confident that nothing is impossible with the Lord's help. I'm excited about the next 8 weeks, and I have already been encouraged by the posts I have read in the last week. I am praying that I will be yielded to the Lord in my food choices and that I will seek Him instead of food for comfort. Looking forward to the next 8 weeks!!

    Loved this quote someone posted: If hunger isn't the issue, then food isn't the answer!

  • mesiegler
    mesiegler Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Laura,

    You're in the right group! I've learned so much about health and wellness participating in FIT. Whole, healthy food, food that God made, has the power to bring healing. My prayer for you is that as you clean up your diet in the next eight weeks that the Lord blesses your efforts and brings healing to you. You can do this!

    I also struggle with several autoimmune issues which I'm discovering are all related to my diet. As I've begun to eliminate certain foods from my diet and add lots of healthy food I'm beginning to see some issues resolve. I still have a way to go but I'm very optimistic.

    Looking forward to getting to know you more! Glad you're part of FIT!

    Mary Ellen
  • Hi Ladies, thank you so much for your encouraging stories! I enjoyed reading them. I am 34 years old and I have two girls, one 12 yrs and one 3yrs old. I too have struggled with my weight on and off until I met my hubby in 2005 and went from a size 26 to a size 7-8, that was for our wedding. (Weight Watchers) But I guess married life and contentment has let me be "Happy". This past few years have been a whirlwind, mostly this year I have adjusted to some change that has happened to our family for the BEST! About a week before I had seen Niki Lott's before and after pics, my hubby and were having a conversation about our weight. (Just to fill you in a bit my hubby is Active Duty Air Force, he has to do a physical test every 6months or twice a year and we are stationed in Hawaii, getting ready to move to New Jersey March 1, 2015.)Well anywhoo back to my story, my hubby has to weigh in for his (pt) and he was at his highest ever. Then He said, "man I just need to loose this belly", I then said, "ok lets do this!" So here I am! I hope, I will make it through the entire 8 weeks and loose and maintain, that is my goal! By the way, Laura, I too am gluten free, feel free to message me or if you have questions, I am willing to help anyway I can! I have been gluten free 6 years now!! And I wouldn't change it for the world!! Here's to US!!!!