I have NO idea how this happened..
It seems a few months ago, I was struggling with protein and too much sodium.
Then suddenly, I'm low on carbs, high on protein, and decent on sodium.
The thing is, I don't think the whole LOW carb thing has been such a good idea.
I've realized a lack of energy, tons of headaches, and becoming very lightheaded. I don't know if this is lack of carbs though. Hmm.
But, I'm tired of feeling tired. I eat about 400-500 calories to begin my day, but right after that sometimes, I feel so exhausted, dizzy, and just want to sleep again.
I was talking with some friends about this and they have said that I should be eating more carbs. I was hitting between 135-155 for the past month or two now, but today, I've hit 195. That's a drastic jump and I don't know why I'm so freaked out about the prospect! Calorie-wise, I'm like, "What the hey. Let's go 2000 girl." But now, I have to CONTROL. EVERY. OTHER. ASPECT. OF. MY. EATING.
It's driving me crazy! I don't know why I'm so naive and ridiculous to think that I will gain weight faster with more carbs... But then at the same time, WILL I gain weight faster with more carbs? I think I wouldn't mind SO much, if it at least gave me more energy. I'm getting tired of being tired, as I've mentioned. ;)
I hope you don't mind, but those of you who happen to be my friends on here and often respond to this post, I've peeked into your food diaries to see where you're at for carbs... Maybe just to make sure I'm not the only one going higher and that's bulking (attempting to anyway! I think it's officially underway! I'm almost 106!)
Anyways. I believe I've said all I need to say. I feel rather scatterbrained right now, but I hope this all makes sense and that you can follow my brain.

Thanks all!

Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Bulking!


  • Fujiberry
    Fujiberry Posts: 400 Member
    It's quite possibly your lack of carbs. My limit for carbs is 220g daily, and honestly, I haven't weight any faster than I have before. I've been 115-117 since mid summer. If I need more energy (especially for my workouts), I go over my limit because I would rather feel energized during my workout than feel lethargic nauseous.

    Don't worry so much about hitting the right numbers. Numbers don't take your body's preferences into account. If you body seems happier with higher carbs, keep a high carb intake. I feed my body a ton of fat, moderate carbs, and moderate (although sometimes low) protein. It seems to work well for me.
  • Skyeziepyzie
    I've noticed a huge increase in energy now that im eating more carbs :) And way better workouts too :)
    When I used to run a lot and not eat as many carbs I ALWAYS felt like death at 11am everyday. don't be scared of them :)

    Good luck!