Newb- Way out of my comfort zone (long)

MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
I'm very new to Crossfit. I've only completed 3 WODs- scaled of course. Three of my cousins are Crossfitters and have lost quite a bit of weight- they look amazing! At family gatherings they'd talk about what they did at CF that day and I would just walk away or ignore the conversation.

Two years ago I did really well here on MFP- lost 50 lbs my first year (eating well and doing aerobics) BUT life happened..went back to school and had my 4th child (9 months ago). So I'm basically back at square one. I'm 5 feet tall with 225 lbs on my bones. With this new year I wanted to commit to losing the weight again (also, seeing xmas pics of me really made me want to lose the weight). One of my cousins suggested checking out Crossfit since they had a "free" week at their box. I cringed at the thought of it. Figured, why the hell's free! I was of course nervous..the things you hear about it, the whole "classroom" fear, I was probably going to be the only overweight person there and the slowest. As I pulled up to the box, I watched a few people walk that point I just wanted to put the car in drive. A part of me was curious of what was, one of my cousins just pulled up in front of backing out now. Walked inside and I saw these amazing people doing some amazing things. I felt like I shouldn't have been there...I had that fear of others looking at me and thinking "why is this girl here..she's too big to be here" To be honest, I didn't see anyone staring at me. They were "in the zone" with what they were doing. I was welcomed by a few people who were there stretching before class. There were others there for the free class but no where near my weight. For our warm up we had to run 400 meters- probably nothing for those who have been there..but it was a big deal to me. I was the last one to run up to the group who were already starting the next warm up. It was high school all over again. I was huffing and puffing when it was all done.. what was I doing here? WOD: 15 min AMRAP, 5 PC, 10 V-Ups and 15 Air squats.. I was able to do 6 reps. Not bad for someone who hasn't worked out liked that before. I think I had my own sweat pond under me by the time I was done. During Metcon there was one member doing her own thing in front of me..but she saw me struggling during my 4th v-up rep and she was cheering me on every time I came up. Just for her to encourage me like that made me come back for my 2nd WOD.

I completed my 3rd WOD yesterday- I wasn't the last one to complete the 400 but I did have to walk a few times. I did feel stronger while running and I wasn't huffing and puffing when I walked back into the box. Yesterday's WOD was brutal- it was a "Fight gone bad (FGB)"- wallballs, SDLHP, Box jumps (box steps for me), Push Press and Row. Two of the coaches were cheering me on which felt AWESOME and to hear my partner cheering me on was wonderful too. If anything this is what keeps me coming back. They see me struggling but they know I'm trying and that's all they've ever asked of me. I was able to talk to the owner of the box and he was very helpful and made me feel like I wasn't some girl who shouldn't have walked through the door on Day 1. He wants to help me reach my goals.


  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Crossfit will not be for everyone BUT if you have enjoyed the first few sessions and you think it is something you could learn to love, then go for it. This is my fifth month and I am a convert, absolutely love it. I am not super fit, I have weight to lose but I forget those things in that hour there. Everyone puffs as hard as I do, everyone is exhausted and sweaty because we have all worked as hard as we are capable of. And no one notices anyone else cause they are working so hard, unless they are cheering you on and yes that is a great feeling.

    Recently at the end of a super tough WOD some people wanted to finish after time. I said to one of the guys, "Look at these crazy people" and he said, "Emma, you are one of them". And he is right, no matter how I look (and I believe I can look like them sooner rather than later!) I turn up and do the same thing. I don't whinge I suck it up and get on with it. And I can do things now that I could not have contemplated five months ago. The one thing I watch with envy is pull ups. The other day I did one, smashed two out. It was with a band but I was one of those people who can do a few pull ups. I was so pleased and worked really hard the rest of the week.

    You already feel stronger running, that's amazing. Whether its fitness stronger or mentally stronger, both are important. You can't do crossfit without mental strength.

    Good luck with it and let us know how it goes for you : )
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    emma7437 wrote: »
    I can do things now that I could not have contemplated five months ago.

    I hope in 5 months that I'm able to say this. One of my cousins mentioned that it also took her 5 months to do WOD without it being scaled.
  • SallyJoT
    SallyJoT Posts: 29 Member
    No shame in scaling a workout! Everyone at Crossfit is pushing themselves at their level. You will be inspired and amazed by your growth over time. Keep with it! You'll do great!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Fight Gone Bad is rough, I don't care what kind of shape you are in. Great job so far, keep up the good work! Take a look at the advice for newer folks thread posted on the page and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    FGB is one of the most painful WODS in my opinion. Good job on completing it and keep pushing and you will be surprised where you are in 3 months, 6 months and a year! :)
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    Good job! Im right with you.
    I scale almost everything, especially Im hopeless at too much cardio! Seem to be better at weights. Always the slowest but I guess in a few months some new people will come in and we will be helping them and impressed how far we have come :)
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Congrats on the life and mindset change. You’ll see the changes in your body and fitness level soon! Enjoy!
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    We just had a wave of newbies for the new year. I told my coach that was ME a year ago.

    My mobility, technique, endurance - everything has transformed. I'm in a different league now to the newbies that started last week. That'll be you next year, honestly.

    It's amazing seeing how people start out, and then watching them develop over time.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    emma7437 wrote: »
    I can do things now that I could not have contemplated five months ago.

    I hope in 5 months that I'm able to say this. One of my cousins mentioned that it also took her 5 months to do WOD without it being scaled.

    I would say that you should never worry about whether or not you scale a WOD. Only worry about doing your best. One of my coaches said once that most WODs are meant to be scaled by 90% of people. I don't know whether that is true or not and while I do RX many WODs if I don't think I can then I scale down without hesitation.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Depends on the WOD and really shouldn't be a concern. I will still scale most WODs because I lack the movements.

    But when I see something like Grace on the board I love it because I know I can RX it.
  • bookloverlori
    bookloverlori Posts: 5 Member
    NICE JOB!!! Fight Gone Bad is truly a rough one!!! I've been doing Crossfit for just over 2 years and that's still one of the roughest ones. You did GREAT!

    I still scale most of my wods. It's a HUGE deal if I get to write Rx next to my name. I'm pretty great at the weights. It's the endurance that kills me. It took me over a year to run 400 meters without walking some. I can run a mile now, but it's really hard and takes me over 12 minutes. See... you're doing GREAT already!

    Let the community carry you along. I stayed involved because I found wonderful female friends who encouraged me and kept me motivated. They ran with me when I was last..,. and I'm always last. Lol!!! I talk to them every day, workout days or not. They've helped with nutrition as well. Sounds like you've got a great group there as well!

    Can't wait to hear all the good things that you're going to be doing!!! :)
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I've been new forever, it's so scary to walk in the first few times- heck, it's still scary some days lol!! One of the only reasons I go is because I think it's the first time in a gym/workout setting I don't feel judged. I'm hoping this is the year I'm not new anymore!

    As for scaling, I do some of the moves with the PVC pipe, better safe than hurt! Good for you for going, you are going to be so awesome!
  • StephaniePaige1020
    StephaniePaige1020 Posts: 14 Member
    I just started CF in November and I'm LOVING every minute. It's the craziest thing I've done and the most physically challenging for sure but worth it SO much. I've RXd 3 WODs now and gotten some good gains on my lifts so I know I'm improving every time! Keep it up!
  • sayhitostephz
    sayhitostephz Posts: 124 Member
    I've been doing CF for almost 2 years now (the last 7 months pregnant!) and I'm still overweight and often the last one in from a run. No one cares and we encourage each other equally. I love CF for that comraderie and friendly atmosphere. Good luck and stick with it! You will be able to do things you never dreamed of if you just stick with it!
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    I'm right there with you Melissa. I am on my second week of classes. I dont understand the lingo, or what I'm supposed to be doing half the time but the coaches are great are really take care of the newbies. I am not new to fitness classes but definitely new to this type of training. I'm having fun so far and even though its hard and i was sore sore last week, I am going to try and stick with it for awhile. I am ready to challenge myself and see results.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Still overweight as well. My focus this year (along with a few specific weightlifting/movement goals) is to finally get a grip on my weight and get it moving in the right direction.

    I'm immensely stronger than when I started Crossfit though I'm only down about 20 lbs total. I still have a belly that needs to get much smaller. One, just for my own satisfaction, two to reduce my chances of cardiovascular disease and hopefully get me off my blood pressure medication.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Same for me re weight loss. CrossFit isn't a miracle cure for fat loss: it still takes effort in the kitchen. I got fatter when I started CF, mainly because I developed that attitude of "well, you worked out hard today so it's fine to have that cupcake", and because it made me HUNGRY.

    In fact I think it gets more difficult to balance your diet, because you have to ensure you eat enough to fuel your WODs but still be in a deficit.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Exactly. After a year+ of CF you realize you can't train away bad eating, but good eating will sure as heck have a positive effect on your workouts.