Anyone else struggling?

Owenlemm Posts: 18 Member
So I have been really paying attention to my diet for a week straight now. I saw some improvement last week on the scale (down 3 pounds) but then when I weighed myself this morning it was all back. I know that really it takes time to see real changes, but it just seems so crushing when there is no real change. I also think that it is doubly hard when I really only need to lose 10 pounds but they are the same 10 pound s that I have been working on for 3 years.

tell me I am not alone. :neutral_face:


  • a05jwal
    a05jwal Posts: 21 Member
    you are not alone... i lost 17 lbs (took me 8 months or so), but i didn't exercise for 7 weeks and let my diet go.. every bit came back in 7 weeks... it is so hard to take off, way easier to put on.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Same for me. One week I'd be down 2 or 3 pounds then the following week it's back. I'm hoping adding in a couple more exercise "appointments" will help. I'm still struggling to juggle everything! But I'll get there I hope.