In SF with a 24 hr fitness membership that I don't use; sound familiar?

K so, I hate the gym, the posing, grunting, rude messy people, and I'm impatient, want the result to match the discomfort.
But I know I need to go.
Any suggestions?
Anyone in SF with a 24 hr gym membership I could tag on to once a week?
I live near SF State, but work the 8:30ish-5ish thing near Market and Van Ness.
(I'm really not such a *kitten* about anything else except this...I think!)


  • johnnycan415
    johnnycan415 Posts: 10 Member
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    right now the gym is awful haha. everyone is in it and they are rude and messy. it gets better though. or you need a different gym.

    i get wanting instant results but it just doesn't happen. and it's discouraging but for me, the long run is what makes it worth it.

    if you hate the gym that much, you could try some at home programs. that's how i started because i was terrified of the gym. i started with p90x. i still have an at home lifting program but go to the gym for cardio. also- the discomfort will lessen with time :)
  • johnnycan415
    johnnycan415 Posts: 10 Member
    At home sounds right; I'll check out the p90x program. Why did that work for you?
    My experience with the gym has been on & off like that for years. I wish I could blame the time of year...
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    for me, it was the comfort of being in my own home. i didn't have to worry about awkward stares or people judging me as the "fat person at the gym" (i know now most don't really do that but i was pretty self conscious).

    it was hard as hell to start but i stuck with it and it got easier. i liked seeing my own strength progress, like being able to actually do pushups, and then do a few more, and eventually even unassisted chin-ups. plus, it's less cardio based than some other programs which really appealed to me. i currently do body beast (a beachbody program like p90x) since it's even more about weight training. i eventually want to start stronglifts at the gym but i don't currently have a membership to anyplace with a squat rack and barbells.

    anyway, my only recommendation to you if you start it would be to track what you're lifting and get a decent set of barbells. 5-15 lbs was plenty when i first started. i found an adjustable pair and ran with that.
  • johnnycan415
    johnnycan415 Posts: 10 Member
    ugh, I'm so sorry you felt self conscious about the gym and I appreciate your story about liking your own progress.
    I've never thought of myself as being a strong person, always kinda thin and now have this 30 pound belly so I've really been thinking about diet first, then cardio next and haven't even broached weights and toning.
    You're right though, it could be easier to do at home...just need the space!
    Thanks Panda!