lettuce, nuts, popcorn

loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
edited December 2014 in Social Groups
At my 1-mo period post-surgery(2 weeks ago) I got the message from the NUT that until I get to 3 mos out I can't have lettuce, nuts or popcorn. For those who are beyond 3 mos, have you eaten these foods? I assume some eat nuts because they are in the KIND protein bars. Do you have problems with certain types of lettuces? Is popcorn ok (which I crave right now) or is it tough to digest? I could call the NUT to ask, but she was the cranky one I didn't really like much so I would like to avoid that call if I can. :)


  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    If I remember correctly I was about 6 months out before I tried lettuce. I'm now 3.5 years out and lettuce still quickly makes me full. Nuts and popcorn were allowed about a year out. I have no issue digesting either but I will tell you that I still have to weigh out or measure out my popcorn. It's one of those foods that you can eat and eat and never feel full. Nuts however are the opposite. Those make me feel full rather quickly and sometimes I don't even finish a full serving.
  • Living4me123
    Living4me123 Posts: 52 Member
    I am not at 3 months yet(I'm at 7 weeks post-op), but I thought I would share... I have tried a small amount of lettuce, tomatoes and almonds. All sat well with my stomach. I made sure I chewed very well and only tried a small amount at first. My plan also suggests waiting until 3 months for salad, at my 1 month appt. I asked about salads and she said the 3 month is an average, introducing a new food slowly in small amounts if you so desire. Everyone heals differently and you have to listen to your body. Since I had no other issues with other foods, I decided the risk was low for me. I have also been successfull eating various beans. If in doubt, don't try it. It is best to listen to the guidelines. One rule I have for myself is I always introduce a new food at home where the bathroom is close in case there are any negative reactions
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    One rule I have for myself is I always introduce a new food at home where the bathroom is close in case there are any negative reactions

    hee hee, that is a good rule :) The other sort of strange thing I got from the NUT is when I am ready to eat lettuce, to go for iceberg because it is easier to digest. Iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value so I feel like that would be a waste of my stomach space. Does anyone do romaine or spinach salad?
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    edited December 2014
    I do romaine/spinach-- did not start lettuce til about the 4-5 mo mark if I recall correctly. I also did not do popcorn until the 6 mo. mark. Had no problems with either.
  • paul87920
    paul87920 Posts: 165 Member
    Lettuce was the hardest for me. But I'm 7 months out can get it in now.
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    At my 1-mo period post-surgery(2 weeks ago) I got the message from the NUT that until I get to 3 mos out I can't have lettuce, nuts or popcorn. For those who are beyond 3 mos, have you eaten these foods? I assume some eat nuts because they are in the KIND protein bars. Do you have problems with certain types of lettuces? Is popcorn ok (which I crave right now) or is it tough to digest? I could call the NUT to ask, but she was the cranky one I didn't really like much so I would like to avoid that call if I can. :)

    Lettuce, is bulky and can cause gas. Nuts are harder to digest. Popcorn is bulky without any real nutrition values.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    "ac7nj wrote: »
    Popcorn is bulky without any real nutrition values.

    Does butter on the popcorn add nutritional value? hee hee
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    I'd kill for a handful of cashews lol. Hoping to be on puree tomorrow. I didn't know that about nuts. I have been putting peanut butter in some of my protein shakes.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    Janet, I think when they say don't eat nuts they mean the raw type of nut. I think PB is ok, though my NUT told me to not eat it because the fat is higher than the protein you get from it. I did put it in some of my protein shakes too, but not too much.
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    Peanut butter gets a bad rap, the oils are better than others from animal products, the thing is we don't need both. Nuts are essential for a vegan diet.
  • boomerkae
    boomerkae Posts: 217 Member
    I use PB2 in my shakes and pudding. Recommended by my bariatric office. Tastes great too. I have mixed it with water to make peanut butter and use it to top apples.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    boomerkae wrote: »
    I use PB2 in my shakes and pudding. Recommended by my bariatric office. Tastes great too. I have mixed it with water to make peanut butter and use it to top apples.

    I am fine with using it in shakes, but outside of that (like on fruit)-- BLECH. I think it is pretty gross. Oh well-- to each his own, I guess.
  • I eat all three and had the most trouble with lettuce. I started popcorn at 1 month and nuts at about the same time. Lettuce was just extremely filling. Popcorn is a little dangerous unless you are very good about measuring because it doesn't fill you up.
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    Lettuce is a bugger. Very bulky - fills you up really fast...doesn't leave much room for anything else! I am a year out and still eat VERY little. Nuts and popcorn I've been eating for awhile now, although I agree with the others that say, MEASURE IT OUT!! I thought I was safe eating Skinnypop out of the bag...BIG mistake!! You can eat a LOT of popcorn without getting full and the fat and cals add up fast!! Feels OK in the tummy, though!
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I think I was told 3 months for lettuce and nuts. I specifically remember being told 6 months for popcorn. I was six months on Dec 24, and I had popcorn. I only had a handful, and that was good enough for me.
    I eat lettuce now, but not a lot. I crave salad somedays. Like last night, I was out at a family dinner. There was a pasta dish and salad. I went straight for the salad!
    The pasta dish had seafood in it, so I picked out some shrimp, scallops and salmon LOL
    That was my dinner. That salad was SO good!
  • liz1531
    liz1531 Posts: 23 Member
    I was told NEVER again on popcorn but alas I couldn't follow thru. @ 3 months and had lettuce today. Cashews last week and popcorn on rare nights at the theatre. So far no issues.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    I will be 3 months out on Fri and Ive also had cashews :heart_eyes: and like Liz, it stayed down fine :smile:
    Ive only had lettuce once and it filled me up so much that I didn't have enough room for much of anything else.
    I think Im going to wait a bit longer before attempting that again because it didn't fill me up to satisfy me, it filled me up temporarily.
    I haven't had popcorn yet but I wouldn't mind trying it!
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    I am 10 months out, eat lettuce almost daily. I choose either baby spinach or baby cos leaves. I don't recall any issues with it. I started to eat it about 2-3 months out I guess. It wasn't on my list of 'not to eat'. Nuts I started about the same time but I rarely eat them due to their high calories. However if I am having a day when I need to add a bit more calories, I will grab some brazil nuts or some trail mix to boost things. I rarely eat popcorn but have with no problems.
  • imboswell
    imboswell Posts: 104 Member
    Lettuce was a real issue for me, it made me feel like I ate a piece of a lead weight. I am 3 months out and I can eat it but it sits very heavy in my stomach. Almonds are my go to snack. I can eat 15 to 20 at a time but they keep me full for hours. I ate popcorn yesterday for the first time. About a cup and it was okay but really didn't do anything for me taste wise. I probably won't continue eating it since it really didn't taste that good.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Remember folks, it's always protein first, so if you are eating salad, either eat the protein that's topping it first or the protein on the side first and then the lettuce. Like I said, I am 3.5 years out and eat salad almost daily, but the protein I top it with goes in before the actual lettuce or there just isn't enough room for the protein. I love the fact that lettuce keeps me full feeling for hours after a meal.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am about 15 months out, and I am not sure when I tried lettuce again but it doesn't bother me. I usually prefer kale, and lately I have been hooked on shaved brussels sprouts from Trader Joe's. I eat nuts pretty regularly, raw cashews don't agree with me as well as other nuts, but nuts in general I am good with. I haven't tried popcorn yet. Like Pat said, I always eat my protein first before anything else, but I do love my veggies and fruits!
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 4 months out and I frequently have spinach salad. It makes me full quick so I never eat the portioned size I'm allowes, but instead about half that since I fill up so fast.
  • kglowins
    kglowins Posts: 111 Member
    Hi, I had to wait three months before I could have lettuce and six months before I could have nuts and popcorn. No problem with any of them.