Anyone due March 2015?

I am looking to add momma's that are in the same boat as me. If I end up about the weight I am hoping to I will have 75lbs to lose to hit my goal weight. Before I got pregnant I had hit my 30lb mark but it is slowly creeping back up no matter how much I track and watch what I do. but that is life :-)


  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Hi - Im due with baby #4 March 23rd. I lost close to 30lbs before findging out I was pregnant also and Im sure at my weigh-in this morning I'll be close to having gained that all back. It is what it is! I havent tracked food at all lately but I still exercise 3-4 times a week. Good luck and feel free to add me :)