Day 40 weigh in!!

lorrikooten Posts: 66 Member
Day1: 168
Day10: 163.5
Day20: 166
Day30: 164.6
Day40: 165.8

SW: 170
GW: 130's

Okay, This past week was another wreck. We had birthdays all week and too many cakes and dinners. It was noth min and my sons birthday along with my sis-in-law and brother-in-law. It is time to get on the ball here. I am more than ready to be in 150's. And my goal weight isn't realistic the way my weight is going up and down. I have got to get moving!! 300 minutes of exercise is HAPPENING this week and continuing!

I did manage to burn 2237 calories this past week which was great but I had too much to eat so I can't imagine how bad my weigh in could have been if I didn't exercise.

GOAL: Burn 300+ calories this week


  • melissab127
    melissab127 Posts: 14 Member
    ^ You are doing amazing @lorrikooten‌! I think you're going to start seeing more numbers you like soon. Life happens and I keep reminding myself "progress, not perfection".

    I think I'm supposed to post tomorrow but I don't think I'll have time to get to a computer.

    SW: 145.6 lbs
    GW: 127 lbs (old goal- 130 lbs)

    START Date: 12-12-14
    DAY 1: 145.6
    DAY 10: 143.2
    DAY 20: 143.0 (forgot to post this because travel)
    DAY 30: 143.2
    DAY 40: 139.4
    DAY 50:
    DAY 60:
    DAY 70:
    DAY 80:
    DAY 90:
    DAY 100:
    END of challenge date: March 23, 2014
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    My HW: 177
    GW: 135

    START Date: 12-15-14
    DAY 1: 172.6
    DAY 10: 175.0 *Darn holidays... *
    DAY 20: 177.0 *Grrrrr... :grimacing:*
    - Day 24: 174.8 Today - back on the right path and going back down!
    DAY: 30 174.8 Hasn't changed in over a week now... Guess I should log the gain now... :disappointed:
    DAY: 40 172.8 On the downard trend - and back to where I started on day 1.
    DAY: 50
    DAY: 60
    DAY: 70
    DAY: 80
    DAY: 90
    DAY: 100
    END of challenge date: March 25, 2015
  • weavernv
    weavernv Posts: 1,555 Member
    As I mentioned before, I've changed my calories to maintenance for a few weeks so I'm doing well with the not gaining... Yay! I will go back to losing when my life calms down. It should here soon. I just didn't want to leave this group. :) I seem to be holding around. I did switch my calories back, so I should start losing again soon, but when I was at the 40 day mark I was still at maintenance. I'm having a hard time with the switch right now. Circumstances and I just got over being sick. We'll see something soon I hope.

    My SW: 184
    CW: 148.1
    GW: 135

    START Date: 12-10-14
    DAY: 1 : 148.1
    DAY: 10: 150.1
    DAY: 20 147.2
    DAY: 30 147.6
    DAY: 40 148.4
    DAY: 50
    DAY: 60
    DAY: 70
    DAY: 80
    DAY: 90
    DAY: 100
    END of challenge date: March 20, 2014
  • Great Idea

    CW: 82kg
    GW: 72kg

    START Date: 13/12/2014
    DAY: 1: 82kg
    DAY: 10:82.5
    DAY: 20:82.5
    DAY: 30:81.6
    DAY: 40:80.9
    DAY: 50:
    DAY: 60:
    DAY: 70:
    DAY: 80:
    DAY: 90:
    DAY: 100:
    END of challenge date: 23rd March

    GOALS: Drop 2 dress sizes. Run 5k
  • A good ten days! I am now a little over 2/3 of the way to my 15 pound goal for these 100 days. If I can continue this pattern, it may be possible for me to get down to 220 by March 25th!

    I also made progress on my 5K time, finishing in 36:59. It was mostly uphill, with the exception of the first two blocks. I definitely believe that I can shave off two more minutes in the next two or so months.

    SW: 282ish
    CW: 233.1
    GW: 180

    START Date: 12-15-14
    DAY: 1- 244
    DAY: 9- 238
    DAY: 20- 238.3
    DAY: 30- 237.5
    DAY: 40- 233.1
    DAY: 50
    DAY: 60
    DAY: 70
    DAY: 80
    DAY: 90
    DAY: 100
    END of challenge date: March 25, 2015
    Total lost so far: 10.9

    GOALS: Lose at least 15 pounds, run a 5K in under 35 min (shaving 5 min. off of my current time), and drop a clothes size!
  • craftymommy
    craftymommy Posts: 57 Member
    My SW: 205
    CW: 163
    GW (end of 100 days): 149

    START Date: 12-15-14
    DAY 1: 163
    DAY 9: 160
    Day 20: 159
    Day 30: 160
    Day 40: 158

    After a frustrating 3 weeks, I'm finally hitting my stride again and my weight is going down again.