Morning sickness??

With my first I just threw up constantly, so I was expecting that this time around. However, My morning sickness has been so weird this time around.Does anyone else experience this??

I am nauseated when I haven't eaten. After I eat, I suffer through even WORSE nausea and stomach pains for several minutes until it finally settles and I can eat.

It's almost like I need to eat a handful of something before I can eat a meal just to get the pain/nausea out of the way, and then I'm good. If I go more than an hour and a half without eating, I have to start the process all over again.

I'm still technically overweight, so I don't want to gain too much especially in my first trimester, but I'm already up 5lbs at 8weeks from the constant snacking!!


  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Me! I totally had different experiences with the nausea across two pregnancies. With my last one, I had the most horrendous taste in my mouth until around 16/17 weeks. I ate carbs and sweets constantly (the two things I had cut out when I started MFP) and gained 14 lbs in 10 weeks, but it was seriously all I could do to get by. It was almost unendurable.

    With this pregnancy, my stomach was in constant turmoil. Every time I stood upright or walked, I felt like I was going to throw up (and sometimes I did). But weirdly, if I remained laying down and motionless, I didn't feel it as much. Again my diet went haywire, this time with other kinds of aversions (hello yellow lentils, red meat, and almonds?!), but I was less dependent on food to try to relieve the nausea.

    Sigh, I kind of feel like it is what it is. Some of us get whacked with the nausea stick in really horrendous ways, and you do what you can to get by. I tried to fight it the first time and probably made myself more miserable. This time I did not even have the energy to fight it. I was down to within 10 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight before I got pregnant again, so I feel confident that I have the tools to lose whatever I gain during pregnancy, and that helps a lot.

    It sounds like you have the knowledge you need to work with your body in this, though. Can you choose healthy pre-meal snacks to limit your gain?
  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    I've experimented with pre-meal snacks a bit. So far carbs are the winner. Sometimes greek yogurt isn't so bad. Fruits and veggies are the WORST. They hurt so so bad to eat.

    I used to eat hard boiled eggs, but I have an extreme food aversion to them with this pregnancy. Every time hubby even so much as boils an egg, you can find me at the other end of the house smothering my face with a perfume scented pillow, lol.

    I'm just trying to keep around my calorie goal (easier said than done on some days). I just have never experienced like this painful nausea before. I guess every experience is different though. 6 more weeks until 2nd trimester!!!
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Sorry to hear about the misery! I think TheLaser is right - it affects us all differently, and no guarantees that future pregnancies will be anything like prior pregnancies.

    I didn't experience the kind of instant pain you're describing, but had so much bloating and heartburn when I did eat, and aversion to just about everything. Like both of you, I was a relatively clean eater before the constant nausea kicked in. For a period of time after I started getting sick the only things that appealed (and then even only sometimes) were nachos and chili fries, and gummy bears and Sour Patch Kids candies, despite the massive heartburn they gave me. At least I could eat them without vomiting. Forget about fruits or vegetables. That was the case from about week 7 to week 15. Now, at 20 weeks, I can still only tolerate some fruits and veggies some of the time. And those used to make up the majority of my food volume!

    I know that I was grossly over my calorie goals on a lot of days during that period because what I lacked in volume I made up for in calorie density. But honestly, I felt there was little I could do. They were the only things that stayed down and I felt that was more important than choking down something that made me ill. At this point I get such incredible heartburn and acid that I eat often (all day long), but little tiny meals at a time. A yogurt here. Some graham crackers there. A handful of carrots. An itty bitty apple. A half a turkey sandwich. The food aversions have eased up a lot, so I can make better choices, which helps keep the calorie count within goal.

    I'd say eat what you can for now, and adjust later as your sickness (hopefully) lessens. Just gotta get through that first nasty bit!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    my first pregnancy was a breeze morning sickness wise, tiny bit of nausea and no sickness

    this one i feel sick 90% of the day and vomit regularly. i have anti sickness meds for it but i try not to use it unless im struggling to hold down anything as i dont want to end up back in hospital on the drip

    carbs are my new best friends and i cant leave more than an hour or two between eating or i get sick again.

    i had breakfast and hour and a half ago but its creeping back up on me again already :(

    cant really do fruit at the moment, hurts way too much, home made banana bread it small amounts is the closest i get lol
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Ruqayyahsmum --that sounds nightmarish. I hope this stage passes quickly for you and you can move on to a more pleasant next stage.