P90x weight loss!

lopezcnl Posts: 39 Member
How long did it take y'all to start seeing the scale move while doin p90x?
I feel like I'm working way harder than the scale or measuring tape shows lol


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I usually only lose weight on the recovery weeks.
  • lopezcnl
    lopezcnl Posts: 39 Member
    Hmm, alright. Thank you!!
  • NoStoppingNow77
    NoStoppingNow77 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 2 weeks in and I today was first day I saw a weightloss (2lbs) but I've also lost 6 inches overall.
  • lopezcnl
    lopezcnl Posts: 39 Member
    Wow!! 6 inches? I guess I've lost about an inch of belly fat and I haven't measured the rest yet. But my clothes feel like they're fitting better. And I've been able to pull my belt in two notches (it's a little snug there though). I've only lost one pound :/
    I'm two weeks in as well. I guess I'm jut being impatient lol.
    Are you thinking of doing another beach body challenge after p90x? I was thinking of doing chalean, insanity, or the 21 day fix.
  • NoStoppingNow77
    NoStoppingNow77 Posts: 38 Member
    I haven't lost any in my arms or bust but mostly my waist/hips. I was starting to get bummed out about not losing but it finally happened. I know muscle is better than fat but sometimes that scale is a huge motivator. I've heard a lot of people say they see results during recovery week too. But I'm finding that I really love the workouts (except yoga). I might try Insanity next if I don't do another round of p90x again. Good luck!!
  • lopezcnl
    lopezcnl Posts: 39 Member
    I haven't lost any inches yet either. So in hoping that comes soon! I'm thinking I may try the 21 day fix after this to jump start everything then maybe hop on into turbo fire or chalean extreme
  • lopezcnl
    lopezcnl Posts: 39 Member
    Also, do you do shakeology? Just curious