MFP, Nutritionist, and Fitbit: Tools for success

Hello, I am working with a Registered Dietician/Nutritionist to lose 80 pounds in 80 weeks. I need accountability (and pre-paying her fee for the first 12 weeks is certainly helping me with that!) and a way to record my food and exercise. That's where MFP and Fitbit come in. It's working! I have lost 5.8 pounds in 19 days. This is the first time in years that I have felt a sustained hope about my weight. The RD/N has me record my feelings and hunger level each time I eat. What an eye-opener! I have been a clock-based eater my whole life and now I am learning to be a hunger-based eater. A bigger transition than I would have thought, but I am already learning how to pay attention to when my body wants to be fed. Long before I reach my weight goal, I have an interim objective of feeling comfortable and "uncrowded" in the pants I already own when I go on a cruise in June. I may be in a smaller size by then, but I would be happy just to be able to tuck in my shirt without unbuttoning my pants!


  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Maybe I should start recording my feelings and hunger level each time I eat too. That would probably stop me from eating when I am just stressed or tired. That is a great idea!