
What are your thoughts on eating Paleo? From what I've read, it supposed to work really well for pain. Does anybody eat paleo? Do any of you do something else that you think works better for you?


  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    I don't eat anywhere close to Paleo, but I do feel my best when I've done well on protein and fats.
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    Diet has been the main thing that has reduced my pain from Palindromic Rheumatism. I was eating mostly Paleo for a year or so, but still had bad bouts of joint and muscle pain. Then last January my new rheumatologist suggested an anti-inflammatory diet. It was extremely restricted, but I stuck to it for a month, only ate the things on it that were Paleo, and felt better, but still had flareups. Eventually I discovered that I had intolerances to some of the okay foods, and when I eliminated those, it made a huge difference. I had to eliminate eggs, nuts, tomatoes, hot peppers, and wheat (not Paleo, but something I ate occasionally). I have only had one flareup since then (caused more by a sprained ankle), I have more energy than I have had in years, and I no longer take any meds for pain. I eat lots of vegetables and fish, chicken, or meat at every meal. I am really convinced that diet is the key.
  • Kickin_it_Keto
    Kickin_it_Keto Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am on day 18 of the Paleo Approach Autoimmune Protocol (AIP). I got Sarah Ballantyne's, Ph.D. (a.k.a. The Paleo Mom) two books for Christmas.

    It is a restricted Paleo, without nightshades (eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes and peppers), nuts, dairy, eggs, and seeds. These foods are known to add to inflammation. The first 7 days was hard and I saw no difference in weight loss, fatigue or pain. However, I got up this morning and walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes before noticing my knees were not screaming at me to stop. I am also down about 8 pounds and I am only walking 10,000 steps for exercise. Fatigue is still here, but seems less.

    I miss eggs...I dream of eggs (fried, boiled, get the idea). Oddly, I don't miss coffee or dark chocolate or tomatoes. These were daily indulgences 18 days ago. The idea of the approach is to stay on AIP for at least 30 days and then reintroduce things, one at a time, to see how your body responds. On day 30, I will be having eggs and I am crossing my fingers I don't have a bad response :)
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    How is it going Paisans? I was on an anti-inflammatory diet a year ago that was even stricter than Sarah's AIP and it was amazing. In just a month I found I was not tired all the time, my aches and pains were radically diminished and I lost some weight I had been trying to get rid of. I even went off the pain meds I was taking pretty regularly, as well as some of my other meds. I am still fine-tuning and experimenting. Nuts and grains were okay on the diet my doctor gave me, and it took me a while to find out they were not my friends. Nuts and wheat have triggered my worst flares. I still have a problem with eggs and tomatoes, but the other nightshades seem to be okay. Ditto with a little butter and yogurt. Everyone is different. Another good book you might read is Kris Kresser's Paleo Cure.