Hello 2015

mysty018 Posts: 10 Member
Hi! I am here because my wedding is July 18th! I started working out on a daily basis last year and lost about 30 lbs. How ever long story short I moved in with my in laws for about 6 months and gained 10-15 back :(. I don't mind the work outs, in fact to be honest some times I push a little to hard. Any who I am kinda back on track. my biggest down fall is when I barely go over my calorie limit for the say (1200 -1300) I say well I'm already over for the day so I will make it worth it and eat everything in sight LOL. I know at these times I need more will power but that seems to be my hardest obstacle!

So far a friend of mine have done a monthly friendly competition measured by inches and at the month who ever lost the most inches has to give the other one a $5 gift card!

Hopefully with a little help I will remember what my goal is I can over come my obstacles and look damn good on the big day!

have a wonderful/evening depending on when you are reading this :smiley:


  • Hey!

    Thank you so much for posting about your goals! I totally understand the all or nothing attitude and have been guilty of it in the not too distant past. I am trying to eradicate black and white thinking when it comes to 'good' days or 'bad' days and focus on taking it one day at a time.

    You will look amazing on your big day so long as you stay committed to the journey. Hopefully we can all inspire each other!

    Much love,
    Ella x
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