Calorie burn from steps is crazy high today?

funsteps Posts: 74 Member
edited January 2015 in Social Groups
I've had my fitbit connected to MFP for about a month now. I almost never eat back the calories burned from steps, but I like to keep track of the deficit regardless.

Last night I adjusted some of my goals on MFP to match up with my newest weight (20 lbs lighter!). I had MFP set to "sedentary" but I noticed that I did have my fitness goals set at 3 workouts of 30 mins per week. I removed that. I also readjusted my calorie goal last night manually, rather than using a MFP preset.

I'm exhausted and not feeling well, so, honestly, I haven't really gotten out of bed all day. I've done a whopping 543 steps- and that's been spread out since I woke up about 5 hours ago. MFP is saying that my exercise calories burned from those steps is 136?? That seems impossibly high. For frame of reference, I did 8,512 yesterday and burned 605.

Did changing my fitness goals effect something? Am I just getting a weird bug between the apps today? What the heck?


  • smetters1955
    My fitbit flex tells me I've walked to goal if 1 mile even if I've walked 100 steps? Its off. So I took it off its useless if it can't register. The sleep is correct ? The charge only lasts sometimes three days other times two weeks ? I think its a problem with hackers playing with fitbit app servers. Someone we know who enjoys bursting people's bubbles. They need more security features on these servers. Nothing is safe or private as things stand. Its a shame some people are so miserable themselves that all they care to do in life is ruin others.
  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    Nevermind... I enabled negative calorie adjustments a few days ago and I guess this is the first day that it's actually had to go into action. I haven't earned extra calories... MFP is taking them back because I'm lazy! :p
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Just so you know - those fitness goals have NO bearing whatsoever on your eating goals.
    - it's merely on the Exercise tab.

    Just so you are aware how the sync works and what it's attempting to do.

    MFP estimates a daily burn with no exercise based on your selection of activity level, true or not, and your BMR.
    Obviously rough estimate because it really doesn't have specifics on your daily activity.

    But it uses the Fitbit daily burn to correct it's estimate - take the same deficit, and give you an eating goal based on much better estimate of what you burn.

    Why wouldn't you want to use that by counting the calorie adjustment?

    Where you willing to eat to the negative adjustment?

    Just so you know, that difference between BMR (basic metabolism) and your daily burn - is mostly steps, MFP is just estimating a total calorie burn based on them.
    Fitbit is actually providing real data.