One year today!

Shannie312 Posts: 46 Member
Today is my surgiversary, I have to say I have mixed emotions. I've lost 80 pounds and would like to lose 10 more. I've gone from a size 20 to an 8. No more blood pressure medication, I feel great and have come to sort of enjoy exercising. These are all great things I would never have imagined were possible a year ago. So why am I hung up on that last 10 pounds, why is an 8 not small enough? My weight has stayed the same for the past 3 months, even with stepping up the exercise and I am wondering, is this it, is this where I'm going to stay? Don't take this as giving up, I am bound and determined that the scale is not going up for anything I being a nitpick or what? :)


  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    Congratulations on your surgiversary! And that is awesomely inspiring that you have lost 80 pounds and gone down to a size 8. Even better is that you are feeling great and are off some meds.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Congratulations on your surgiversary and that 80 pound loss! I applaud your determination to not regain. I don't know if it's nitpicking to want that last 10 pounds off. The idea of being that close to goal but not quite there, well it's understandable that you would want to hit goal. I have about 60 pounds to go and I know if I were just 10 pounds away, I would want to get that last 10 off and hit goal.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Congratulations! You have done a great job!! I am about 20 lbs from where I want to be, and my body is resisting and the scale doesn't want to budge. That said, I am trying not to focus on the scale and just focus on doing what I need to do. I am doing more strength training so I am gaining muscle, which weighs more than fat, so maybe that is a factor in why your weight isn't changing either. At this point, maybe measurements are a better way to gauge to your progress than the scale. Good luck to you!!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Congrats on a great year! Your goals are very personal to you. If that last ten pounds are important to you, then you're not nitpicking. I am an agonizing 0.4 pounds away from the lowest weight that I ever remember being at (so early high school before I grew tall). After that, i have 20 pounds to the goal weight that I picked 160 pounds ago. If my body settles somewhere between the two numbers, I'll have to decide how important that initial goal number is to me. I hope I will get there, because it will represent an 'overweight' BMI.

    So have a good conversation with yourself and decide one way or the other. If you want to get those last ten off, tighten your disciplines, perhaps adjust your intake or burn, and make it happen!

  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    Congratulations on your success keep doing what you need to do. Building muscle adds weight but it is also the machine that burns calories. if you follow the directions from your Dr you will succeed just be patient with the scale. muscle mass is much more dense than fat so it could look like your body is not changed when it actually has. Just not on the scale!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Wow! You have done very well and have so much to feel good about! Congrats! Re: the last 10....I think about it in terms of cost/benefit-- if what you have to do to get the last 10 off is more restrictive than the way you want to live (and maintain), then skip it. Not worth your sanity. :)
  • liz1531
    liz1531 Posts: 23 Member
    Congrats to you!!! :D How amazing to have come so far in one year! I am down from a 22 to a tight 16 or lose 18 and I can't imagine being in a size 8. That seems like a dream! Way to go! Take out some old pics and look at how far you've come! Did you think you'd be here one year ago? Imagine where you'll be in another year!
  • Patty2point0
    Patty2point0 Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats! 80- lbs and size 10 is awesome. Im a very pear shape and having lost just over 80 lbs I'm down to a size 14 pants. A size 10 seems like WOW!!! Your goals are your goals so reflect on the journey past, present and look towards the future. If the number was not an issue would you be totally happy with your body and capabilities? Is is time to move on to a second set of goals, revised goals at this point that look at many other factors besides the actual weight on scale? All the best to you - you have already won!
  • SkinnyDevi
    SkinnyDevi Posts: 92 Member
    That's awesome Shannie312! I'm just starting my journey and at a size 22/24. Can't even image being anywhere near a size 8! You've done great so far and I'm sure you'll get to your ultimate goal. Keep plugging away!
  • Living4me123
    Living4me123 Posts: 52 Member
    Congratulations on your year of success! Don't dwell on the 10 lbs you have left, look at it as 80 lbs gone and size 8 is fantastic! ...your determination will pay off!