New and looking for PCOS friends

TMS7878 Posts: 10 Member
I'm new to MFP. I joined about a week ago. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. I'm looking community friends and encouragement from others that struggle with PCOS. I don't personally know anyone besides myself that has this diagnosis so I look forward to speaking with some of you. It's sometimes hard to talk to family and friends that don't understand what It's like living with some of the symptoms of PCOS. I've been overweight my entire life, and now I'm working to change that. I really hope to get to know some of you. I'm not much of an exerciser, so has anyone seen any workout DVDs that are good for beginners? I'm not at a point yet where I am comfortable enough to join a gym.


  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    I really enjoy Leslie Sansone's Walking at Home workouts. I don't have enough coordination for the dance workout DVDS and I get confused with the moves lol I also find that doing squats, push ups, and sit ups is helpful in terms of increasing strength. I don't do many, but over time I have been able to do more :)
  • Journeywithyou
    Journeywithyou Posts: 49 Member
    I walk on our treadmill and outside when the weather cooperates. I also workout with the WII.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I literally walk on my fifteen minute breaks from work...around the building or block. Sometimes I incorporate some planks (literally 5 seconds was a hard struggle the first time I sis told me how to modify them), wall pushups, and squats. I haven't don't any of the "extras" since before the holiday season... I'm building myself back up in habits. Any DVD workout worth its salt should have modifications for beginner variations. So, what I would recommend is find something you already kind of like doing...walking, biking, dancing, yoga, etc. Find something you like and use your local library or netflix or something and start checking out different ones. Good luck.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    If you're a gamer, I recommend an activity tracker. I really only enjoy walking as an exercise activity so having one of the simpler fitbits was an awesome way to "gameify" my activity. For me, activity is more fun as a numbers game. I've come within 500 steps of the mythic (for me) 10,000 steps a day goal...and I WILL do it dagnabbitt!
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    I echo walking, especially with fitbit or some sort of wearable. You find little ways to add 100 extra steps at a time, I can easily get my 10K steps even with a desk job, just by adding up the little bits here and there, plus a walk at during my lunch hour.

    Walking is easy, and it produces results. That being said exercise if personal and you have to find something you like to do.
  • fun_girly
    fun_girly Posts: 12 Member
    I REALLY did not want to join a gym for fear of judgement! I have PCOS too and fat I was so afraid of what others would think, however a friend encouraged me to go, and I'm glad she did because in reality no one cares everyone focuses on themselves and hey, so what if you're larger at least you are doing something :) although walking is great too. I have a jawbone UP and it's great seeing progress throughout the day.
  • LO1421
    LO1421 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi There! I was diagnosed with PCOS about 3 years ago. It has been a tough long journey but I've finally decided I can't take this lifestyle anymore. I have been on a low GI diet for about 27 days and am doing Focus T25 at home workout. I've lost 13.8lbs so far and an inch off my hops and 1.5 in from my waist. I LOVE T25. It is by the same guy who created the P90X and Insanity workouts. He took an hour workout and made it into 25 minutes. When you get the program you get a calendar to follow that tells you what DVDs to do on what days. I highly recommend it! My husband is doing it with me and he was extremely sedentary prior and is doing great!
  • summerbjackson
    summerbjackson Posts: 6 Member
    If anyone is looking for friends feel free to friend me on MFP!!! I live in the Kansas City, MO Area if anyone is looking for a workout buddy.
  • emma_louise_23
    Fellow pcos cyster here 26 years old from Merseyside, UK, diagnosed at age of 18, currently ttc, feel free to add me :)
  • TMS7878
    TMS7878 Posts: 10 Member
    I really enjoy Leslie Sansone's Walking at Home workouts. I don't have enough coordination for the dance workout DVDS and I get confused with the moves lol I also find that doing squats, push ups, and sit ups is helpful in terms of increasing strength. I don't do many, but over time I have been able to do more :)

    I bet I have even less coordination than you do! I tried one of those "dance" DVD's but I couldn't keep up with the moves, and I know it looked tragic! I'm just glad no one was watching. I'll have to try the DVD you mentioned.
  • TMS7878
    TMS7878 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the friend requests! I look forward to getting to know each of you. I'm excited to finally talk to others that are dealing with PCOS.
  • valerieuk1708
    valerieuk1708 Posts: 90 Member
    Can't friend request you bcz I'm on the iphone but feel free to add me to your friend list :-)
    I have PCOS and struggling to conceive and doctors won't help until my bmi is at 30 or lower (it's 35-36 at the moment) so I'm hoping to lose weight and I like MFP a lot! It has best food database iv seen so far and community is great to keep motivated or if you need someone to talk. I hope you enjoy it!
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    fun_girly wrote: »
    I REALLY did not want to join a gym for fear of judgement! I have PCOS too and fat I was so afraid of what others would think, however a friend encouraged me to go, and I'm glad she did because in reality no one cares everyone focuses on themselves and hey, so what if you're larger at least you are doing something :) although walking is great too. I have a jawbone UP and it's great seeing progress throughout the day.

    I'm so glad you ended up going! I had the same fear at first and either wouldn't go, or would stay on the treadmill like it was my lifeline. Eventually I branched out and now I'm truly enjoying lifting weights with my cardio.

    OP, I sent a friend request :) And would love any other new friends.

    I was diagnosed with PCOS last year. I had no idea what it was and would have gone on blissfully unaware until I went to my OBGYN after getting health insurance with a new job(I didn't have insurance for about a year and managed to only have 2 periods during that time since I was off birth control... sorry...TMI Turtle). She diagnosed me.

    At first I thought, " Sounds like a common thing and would be difficult to get pregnant. No biggie... I don't know if I want kids anyway".

    After doing more research, I realized what PCOS is and man... this is explains SO many things!

    I love this group and how there's a contingency of women just like me that I can vent to or get inspiration from.

    Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!