Weigh in number 4

vaunche Posts: 25 Member
So here we are at number four coming up tomorrow if I am not mistaken. How is everyone feeling? Any concerns?
I am feeling pretty good this weigh in I have kept to most of my goals. The broken ankle put a little pause in my work outs but I have a walking boot so I have kept moving. A gym is opening up within walking distance soon so I will be adding to my exercise routine over the next 10 days Woo Hoo. My biggest trouble is drinking enough water.
How about the rest of the group? I think I will try one last time to re-invite the missing members and tell them they can just post from now on and skip the ones they missed if everyone is ok with that. They might be feeling bad about missing weigh ins but in the long run does it matter as long as they pick back up? Let me know what you guys think?


  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    I'm a bit nervous about this weigh-in, as I had a business trip that sent my eating sideways for 2 days, but have been doing about 10-12 workouts/week, so hopefully that will help make up at least some of it.

    I messaged the missing people right after weigh-in too - hoping we can get a few back. I'm about to move the missing people to the bottom of the list so I can exclude them from the totals at the top (but will be happy to re-include them if they rejoin us!).

    If they have holes, it's better to carry their previous weights forward to fill those holes so that their total loss and % of goals calculations will work correctly.. I will fix that up for anyone who leaves holes though. :)

  • vaunche
    vaunche Posts: 25 Member
    Well the side ways eating is a bummer but at 10 to 12 workouts, I think you will still do good so don't get to nervous.
    About the holes that sounds great! I was worried about how that would affect the rest of the groups numbers as well. I'll send them each a message to see if they want to come back!
  • ollerwe
    ollerwe Posts: 66 Member
    I am not feeling confident this time. In a few hours I will know. But I think I can take a set back. I hope I don't have to. ;-)
  • vaunche
    vaunche Posts: 25 Member
    Good news I got ahold of Jadeous and she will be posting tomorrow. woo hoo!!
  • ollerwe
    ollerwe Posts: 66 Member
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Awesome job, Vaunche!

    I managed a drop this weigh-in! Woohoo!
  • vaunche
    vaunche Posts: 25 Member
    Yeah bwmalone you rock!!!!
  • bkaye1967
    bkaye1967 Posts: 15 Member
    I managed to drop alittle but today was NOT a good day! Good thing there are 9 more until the next weigh in! :)
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 347 Member
    I have been slacking big time! Getting back on track. I'm only down .5 since we started with all my yo-yo'ing. 60 days left to lose 15lbs. I'm on it.
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 347 Member
    Good job everyone, lose or gain, hang in there!
  • ollerwe
    ollerwe Posts: 66 Member
    Yes! I think it is important not to give up. Sooner or later our extra pounds will understand the message. We do not want them anymore!