I'm Pregnant!!!!!! Finally after 2 years of struggling after loosing baby #2 in March of 2012. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2013 and hubby and i have been trying fertility treatments since then. I lost a little (10LB) and stuck with my metformin, put in more yoga to destress and stopped drinking alcohol. I'm 7 weeks today. I'm a little nervous because this is when i miscarried last time, but i'm beyond excited. My rainbow baby at last!


  • bdawso88
    bdawso88 Posts: 13 Member
    Congratulations!! It's always nice to see a success story! :)
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Whoo HOOO Congrats to you!
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    How are things going now??
  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    Things are above and beyond where they were when i miscarried. I don't have any bleeding like last time and i'm actually a little sick and have very sore breasts...all good signs as far as i'm concerned. I have my first prenatal appointment today to get they game plan but so far so good!
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    YAY!! Keep is posted!!!! Enjoy your apt! it will be amazing!
  • Congrats!!! It's always exciting when a fellow PCOSter gets preggers! Keeps me hopeful!!!!! :D
  • Yay! Congratulations
  • fayelobeck89
    fayelobeck89 Posts: 105 Member
    Congratulations! How long were you on the metfformin for?