Tough Mudder South

Hi everyone, I have just been roped into doing this albeit with great fear. Has anyone done one? Is anyone doing the Winchester one this year? Have you got any advice?

All welcome!! :)


  • Angelhales1990
    Angelhales1990 Posts: 13 Member
    Im signed up for 2nd May at Henley. It will be my first TM. Done a few other obstacle races though and they are so much fun. Lots of upper body work and a bit of running and youll be all set :-)
  • Saab_2015
    Saab_2015 Posts: 277 Member
    I did the Henley one last year ... Really muddy and hard on the calf's. Make sure you can jog at least 8miles to avoid any injuries on the day. You need good upper body strength but at the same time it's great fun you get lots of help from fellow competitors. Try to complete them all but you can skip if you can not complete. Ps fancy dress goes down well ... Wig mustach anything like that
  • hantstc
    thanks for the advice guys , really appreciate it, running 8 miles straight? best get some new trainers ?
  • bethouiseevans
    bethouiseevans Posts: 41 Member
    I'm doing one August! I'm working on general strength and doing 5kms because My friends done a few and she said you start and stop a lot for obstacles... they have a programme on the website you could follow?
  • hantstc
    just checked it out and you're right, thanks for the heads up and good luck in yours :)
  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    Bit out of my price range but I've signed up for Monster Race in october
  • hantstc
    sounds cool where is that?
  • loko1973
    loko1973 Posts: 2 Member
    I did my one and only Tough Mudder in July 2014! An awesome experience but after getting cramp at mile 8 I struggled to run the last few miles! Didn't complete all the obstacles and had to be rescued after jumping from the plank!!! Glad I did it but I won't rush to do another!! Did GNR in 2013 and hoping to do Sheffied Half Marathon in April this year!