What are your biggest questions/problems/concerns?

justinsgym Posts: 30 Member
edited February 2015 in Social Groups
Hi all,

I'm going to be sending along some more questions and topics for nutritionist Michele Larock R.D. to present on, on Saturday.... If you have some specific requests, please post them here!


  • mollykienzler913
    mollykienzler913 Posts: 18 Member
    Something I'm still struggling with (more MFP related I guess) is exactly how many calories I should be eating and how it relates to how much I'm exercising. I am constantly playing around with my "goals" on MFP...level of activity/how many lbs I want to lose/calorie intake etc. Then, when I enter that I'm "lightly active" (I mean, my job involves being on my feet all day working w small children, and I work out a few x/week now, but am I really "ACTIVE" compared to a true fitness junkie??), MFP automatically tells me I should be eating 1,200 calories a day as a goal. To be honest, this # is pretty daunting to me, and the days I've actually managed to pull this off or even <1200 have been a big challenge. Then I feel stressed when I go over, and then I keep finagling my goals so that I can eat 1400+. But now I'm calling myself ACTIVE instead of lightly active. This is where I get lost. Am I active or lightly?? And in terms of, OK, I feel like my diet is getting more well balanced, more veggies, slow burning carbs, etc, I still seem to be eating too much since I usually just CANT get by w the 1200 calories mark.

    And if MFP is just based on calories and exercise (w some nutrient recommendations, I know), then what if someone has a day of eating 1200 calories worth of candy and chips, but hey, they didn't go over their caloric intake limit so it's ok?? I know that's not *really* ok in terms of balanced health and diet, but I think the calorie count is just throwing me.

    Sorry that was so long :) these are more just big things that are tricky for me still.
  • marusso1213
    marusso1213 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi mikienzler--I'm sure Justin or Katie or Michele can give you a better answer than I but its not just about the calories, but about the KIND of calories, not all calories being equal. It also has to do with how your body manages those calories in the state it is in when you provide them (ie after an anaerobic workout vs munching in front of the TV to give two very different examples). And are you eating enough fiber?
    I watched a movie called Fed Up while I was traveling last week. See if you can find it on amazon or another streaming website. It addresses your question about whether 1200 calories of chips equals 1200 of lean protein and veggies and how that relates to weight gain or loss.
  • marusso1213
    marusso1213 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Justin--
    I would like to hear more about what and how much to eat before and after different kinds of workouts. Both to learn about how to eat to optimize the workout and then how to eat afterward to prevent hunger throughout the Rest of the day---assuming workout is in the morning that is.