Portion Control

justinsgym Posts: 30 Member
How have you been handling your portions, your tendency to overeat, and the lack of consistency that so many of us exhibit? Why has this time been different for you? or better yet, how do you see yourself overcoming your biggest challenges with food?


  • Hi there! Just watched the video that was sent out in the newsletter. I thought it was very informative and a well presented way to understanding portion control. I have been buying products that are individually packaged as a way to monitor my portion control. If I buy a large can of mixed nuts, I tend to eat handful after handful. By purchasing the individual (100 cal packs) bags, I may spend a bit more but save when it comes to over eating. I also picked up "The Body Book" from the library today! So far it is great and the first two chapters are exactly what was covered in the video. Check it out!
  • I find that eating less ingredients is helpful. For snacks I like to pair some dairy with fruit. I end up with a size able portion that has protein and fiber.
    When I get hungry I drink water before and after I eat it seems to help ale me feel full.
    Logging food in MFP is helpful even if it's not 100% accurate it gives me a sense of what I'm eating. Sometimes I even pre log it so if I have a small snack/meal I have something to look forward to.
    It's not easy changing my eating habits but small changes add up.
  • marusso1213
    marusso1213 Posts: 6 Member
    A less expensive, though slightly more time consuming way to manage portions is to divide the almonds or other snacks into individual ziplock snack bags(which can be reused) as soon as you bring the bigger bag home from the store. I vacillate between going for the expensive convenient prepackaged sizes and feeling like I'm paying too much for packaging!
  • nutmeg156
    nutmeg156 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm no expert at this and still struggle with portion sizes, but I have found one way to trick myself into control. I make big meals for the whole week on Sunday, and then instead of putting the big pans in the fridge, I divide them up into tupperware that night. I move them to the freezer so they last longer. On my way out the door for work I grab one container and one piece of fruit and that's all I get for lunch. It saves me so much time and headache trying to figure out what eat that day. I learned this strategy from Jen Howard!
  • Like nutmeg above, the key for me is planning ahead. Portioning food out the night before so I can grab and go keeps me on track (for the most part).
  • eb9933
    eb9933 Posts: 15 Member
    Portion control is a big problem if I'm eating mindlessly--say, sitting in front of the computer eating lunch because I'm so busy I can't "afford" to take a lunch break; in that scenario, I don't even notice that I've eaten and just go get more. But if I sit and eat and do nothing else (not even read), I'm enjoying the food, getting a much-needed break, and am also much more aware of when I'm no longer hungry. My other habit is to have as much as I want of certain things, like lettuce and spinach, kale and carrots; I really love those things, so I'm good with that. And it helps me feel as though I don't have to monitor every little thing I do...which is nice!
  • I have a contrarian nature & resentment issues with portion control so strategies like individually-packaging meals & snacks doesn't work for me. If I get a bag of crisps or biccies or what have you, & select a designated serving, I will ALWAYS go back for more, even if I am not 'hungry' (hunger has never really been relevant to my eating habits - we humans tend to eat for emotional reasons, boredom, anxiety, etc., rather than actual hunger) because I resent the portion control & rebel against it. If I take a quart of ice cream & a spoon, I may eat a few spoonfuls, slowly, & put the container away after feeling satisfied w/a little. If I put some in a dish & tell myself it is all I can have, I will ALWAYS go back for more. ALWAYS, even if I don't really want more, because I resent the idea that I can only have X amount.
  • I've found if I plan ahead- even loosely- in terms of just having what I need in the house- proteins, fruit, veggies, I'm usually ok. I tend to eat a lot of the same things, or the same way- a protein shake after the gym and some fruit, a yogurt before the gym, fish and veggies and a sweet potato when I get home. I have found less issue with having to weigh and measure when I balance my plate- even though I still measure out things like yogurt, and when I buy fish, I ask for them to be packaged separately so I know how many oz I'm eating. I've gotten into the habit of this so I can eyeball things if I need to. If not, I easily tend to overeat.
  • I just watched the video on portion control and found it informative and interesting. We really are what we eat. I find planning ahead as many have mentioned is the key for me to staying on track. What I've learned over the years with both exercise and fitness is there needs to be strong will to make those small changes and to be accepting of all the decisions we make for ourselves. Another thing that has helped me a great deal with portion control and eating is there are no good and bad foods. Enjoying and living a healthy lifestyle is about being good to yourself.
  • sksheilak
    sksheilak Posts: 5 Member
    I find that planning ahead is key, so is having healthy food options always available. If I'm making a salad, I make a really big one and keep it in a zip lock bag in the fridge, same goes with grilled chicken, I make enough for a few meals, that way if I don't have time or don't feel like cooking I have a grab and go food that's healthy. I weigh and measure my food, that way I know exactly how much 3 ounces of protein is. I will also pre-enter my food for the day on MFP so I have a good idea of my calorie expenditure and then finalize it at the end of the day.
  • smayhems
    smayhems Posts: 4 Member
    edited January 2015
    The video is helpful to reinforce portion sizes. I've gotten good at estimating a correct portion size just looking or using my palm to gauge but still double check from time to by weighing or measuring. I have measured my most used bowls and cups so I know what I'm having in those. I like to trick myself to avoid after dinner or night time eating by having a flavorful, good smelling cup of herbal tea. Trying to have enough water too although I do get tired of drinking water all day, herbal tea helps with that. I also make sure to use small bowls, plates and cups so my small serving sizes look plentiful. Last for when I've cooked a batch of something I divide it into different portions so I don't eat too much of it at once.
  • sasool
    sasool Posts: 6 Member
    I found a couple of things work for me:
    1- I log my food on myfitness pal. Seeing how much I am eating and how many calories I will be left with if I eat that latte or cheese and crackers makes me think twice
    2- I peep my meals on Sunday. I put my snacks in little baggies and weigh them and write down the weight on the bags for easy logging
    3- I enter the food I'm going to consume tomorrow the night before. Not all, but if I know what I'm taking to work I log it, it helps knowing if I'm staying within my daily calorie limit.
  • Just watched the video... Really makes you think. Cheese is definitely one of my down falls. When I saw the huge plate of apples compared to the 2 little pieces of cheese I could believe it. I won't say I have been perfect but I have been trying to use measuring cups to measure portions out as I put them on my plate. When I do this my plate actually looks like it should!
  • I've also utilised the trick of using smaller plates & bowls to make portions seem larger, as well as using smaller forks & spoons. Those tricks help but the pre-measuring one does not work for me -- I rebel against that kind of stricture! I have tried logging my food in the past & it never helped, but I just did it in a notebook. Perhaps logging it in MFP will make a difference. Not so far but it may need time. This early in the game, I am simply recording my current habits rather than trying to change them.
  • ktlips101
    ktlips101 Posts: 28 Member
    From dividing big portions into tupperware to using smaller dishes, there are some really great tools on here. I'm feeling really encouraged by all of your input because this is what most people struggle with most when it comes to food. Many of you know what to eat, but the portions in our society are really out of control. Thank you for your comments, and please keep the discussion going!
  • justinsgym
    justinsgym Posts: 30 Member
    edited January 2015
    "This early in the game, I am simply recording my current habits rather than trying to change them.

    That's exactly right, Amanda! That's what the focus was for the first few newsletters...before inflicting change or establishing a plan of action, it's really important to establish a baseline and really identify the areas that need the most attention.

  • "How have you been handling your portions, your tendency to overeat, and the lack of consistency that so many of us exhibit? Why has this time been different for you? or better yet, how do you see yourself overcoming your biggest challenges with food?"

    I have enjoyed reading everyone's posts about what works for them and what doesn't in regards to Justin's question above. For me in making a decision about the following 1) portion control, 2) eating more nutritious foods, 3) and making exercise a priority I know that I want to make this a part of my daily routine. I want to fuel my body so that I can live with energy and good health. I don't want to obsess and make this hard work. But the truth is that it is hard work and worth it - for me at least. I have a mantra, "baby steps, big rewards." I love the benefits of both good food and good exercise - that feeling keeps me going. I also love the taste of Vermont Peanut Free Chocolate (I have severe peanut allergy). I still eat that and log it in - it feels good and I have no guilt. I joined the WLC in order to give me a boost to be accountable for my food intake, exercise routine, etc - and it has helped a ton. Take a deep breath and smile - we are all worth it.
  • mollykienzler913
    mollykienzler913 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for such a nice post, Kaye!! I enjoy reading your log/exercise on MFP, too, you're very positive and you seem to have a great balanced diet but with feel-good treats :)
  • I haven't had the will power to change my snacks but I am eating smaller portions. For example, my favourite food is ice cream. Normally, a quart of ice cream lasts 3 days, 4 if I am lucky. I just made 2 quarts of ice cream last 5 weeks. That's 2 ½ weeks per quart. It has not been easy -- I think about ice cream every waking minute. Also, although my weakness is chocolate chip cookies & not candy, the one candy I do eat is M&Ms because they are convenient for snacking at my desk. I always get them in seasonal colours (I don't eat them in the summer - I have a rule that I only get the Halloween, Xmas & Valentine colours). It is the 8th of February & I am still working on my Xmas-coloured bag. Still snacking on them at my desk but really stretching them out.