Anyone else just getting stated on ZR5K?

katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
I just downloaded the app and will start week 1 run 1 today. Wondering if anyone is in the same boat?


  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I'm on the 3rd workout in week 2. Liking it so far!
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    I think I'm on or about week 6/7. The weather hasn't been great enough to run, and we just got an elliptical, so I can't use it on that.
  • GunbunnyFuFu
    GunbunnyFuFu Posts: 22 Member
    3rd workout in week 1. I enjoy it immensely!
  • caseyjarryn
    caseyjarryn Posts: 61 Member
    I was up to week 5 or 6, but I had some knee issues and my physio told me to stop for a while. I'll be starting the program again soon.
  • anawilli
    anawilli Posts: 2 Member
    I'm gonna have to restart here again once it warms up. I'm not a fan of running on a treadmill but it's too cold out!! (And zombies slow down in cold weather anyways, probably no need to run haha)

    Love this app though. I'm amazed when I look at how many hours it made me run that I may not have run otherwise and am happy.

  • dontsweat
    dontsweat Posts: 15 Member
    I just started it and I'm liking it so far. 20 degree runs in rural Wisconsin with no building or trees to block the wind.

    It's never too cold to run if you layer properly.
  • Bridgetopia
    Bridgetopia Posts: 2 Member
    I'm planning to restart the program when I get back to campus and have access to the indoor track. I hate treadmill running and my asthma makes the cold weather running very difficult.
    Best of luck against the Zombies my fellow runners. May you always return safely to Abel Township!
  • sarieth05
    sarieth05 Posts: 313 Member
    I also let the cold weather get the best of me, and have been stuck in week 3 for way too long. I may restart the program when it warms up, but I definitely want to finish it!
  • dontsweat
    dontsweat Posts: 15 Member
    I'm down to a 9 minute mile now from a 12 minute, mostly walking, mile thanks to this app. By the time I'm done I'm hoping to be down to where I used to be at 7 minutes. Only on week 3 so lots of time to go. We just got hammered really hard with snow so need to wait a day or two for the roads to clear up before continuing..too dangerous out there right now.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    dontsweat wrote: »
    I'm down to a 9 minute mile now from a 12 minute, mostly walking, mile thanks to this app. By the time I'm done I'm hoping to be down to where I used to be at 7 minutes. Only on week 3 so lots of time to go. We just got hammered really hard with snow so need to wait a day or two for the roads to clear up before continuing..too dangerous out there right now.

    That's a great improvement.
  • ebtaylor137
    ebtaylor137 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm about to start week 4, but it really just got cold and windy around here and I don't think I have the appropriate layers for it. But I love the app! It's got me actually looking forward to running! My last run was the best I've ever run anything since I was a kid.