A little awkward.

weeziebeth Posts: 168 Member
So…I am 2.5 months out, down a total of almost 70 lbs (35 before 33 since), feel amazing, and feel like I'm looking pretty good too (at least most days). My medical director (not exactly my boss as I don't actually report to him but yeah, kinda) has been one of my biggest supporters in this journey. He is not someone who usually gives complements about ANYTHING (and even he will tell you that), but he has been practically giddy about my progress. Every time I work with him (he rotates through my unit for a few days every few weeks) he has at least one time when he looks at me and gets practically giggly and tells me how great I look and how do I feel, etc. Its not creepy or weird or anything but it feels a little awkward. I am getting comments/complements from other folks pretty regularly, including my other docs, but its just bizarre his level of joy for me combined with the fact that it is so out of character. I'm probably just over-analyzing and should just go with it. Thoughts anyone?


  • klcovington
    klcovington Posts: 381 Member
    As long as he's not creepy about it and doesn't make you feel uncomfortable --- it sounds like he is just genuinely happy for your success. Maybe he was a "doubter" before (about WLS or weight loss in general) and now he is seeing first-hand what a great tool it really can be. In any case, your journey so far is awesome and inspirational!!
  • relentless2121
    relentless2121 Posts: 431 Member
    I am 3 months out now and down 81 lbs. (47 post op and 34 since surgery). With every passing week now, more and more people are complimenting me on how good I look. Tonight at the end of my fellowship I called out to a lady friend now to leave until I hugged her as she is going away for a few weeks. A gentleman beside me said to me, "what, don't I get a hug?". I've never seen this side of him before and was rather surprised even though he's given me verbal compliments. I said, " well sure if you want a hug, I am a hugger." And with that we hugged each other but he's one of the last people I would ever expect would want one. Lol. I guess you had to be there. It was nice but very unexpected and from the last person in the room I ever thought would want one. lol. :D

  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    If he is not being creepy, he is probably just really happy for you. :) Congrats and enjoy!
  • rscpjim
    rscpjim Posts: 72 Member
    Interesting as that happened to me when I was on WW years ago.. Lost 100 lbs and yeh all of a sudden I was being given all these kudos and work opportunities.. At first I was embarrassed and then I was mad.. I hadn't changed who I was just lost a bunch of weight..Then hey used it to my advantage.. I will say this having been on both sides of the Weight issue.. Being thinner makes it much easier to be taken seriously.. which is sad... Anyway I digress. I agree with Thaeda, as long as they are not being creepy or stalking you hey just smile and take it all in...lol Just remember you are still you and still deserve respect. Good for you by the way. Keep up the good work and hey ! Start enjoying life!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Sounds like he's super happy for you. Maybe he had his doubts and is masking that. It will probably wane a bit as you go and he gets used to seeing you smaller.

    Rscpjim, I won't say I got more work opportunities as I got smaller or been taken more seriously, but I have noticed that people are more friendly with a smaller me than they used to be. My sister commented to me that I seem happier and my boss says I'm more approachable. I believe, at least for me, that I was so uncomfortable with how I looked I errected walls. And now as those walls come down and my self confidence grows, I get more attention and compliments. No my skills haven't suddenly changed and I'm still who I always was, but I think people are more comfortable with me, because I am more comfortable with myself. And that translates to more interaction, which translates to more opportunities, friendships, etc.