Please, introduce yourself and set your goal here



  • strongbeanthecat
    Hi everyone!

    I took a desk job, bought a car, and stopped bike/train commuting about a year ago. So of course, I gained weight. My goals are to lose 20 lbs, to attend my fitness classes at least 3 times each week, and (once it's above 40 degrees out, it's frigid and icy now in Chicago) take a long walk or jog on the days that I don't attend fitness classes.

    So far, so good with logging my meals. Now I just have to stick with it!
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Hi, My name is Alisa. Long story short, I had back surgery almost 5 years ago and then had a terrible fall. I never recovered from the pain so my active life came to a stop. I was so afraid of injuring my back again. Gained 46lbs. Aug 29th, my husband took me to a back specialist and after a MRI was told I needed to lose some weight and build up the muscles in my back. It would hurt but not cause more injury. I started that day with just walking and it hurt. I am doing so much better. I have lost 35 lbs and would like to lose about 15 more. I have become very active again and love it.
    My goals are:
    -Finish the 15 lbs and be able to wear all the clothes in my closet again.
    -start lifting (my husband just bought a home gym thing lol)
    -build up my strength to be able to pick up my grandchildren.
    -hike at least once a week (we just got back from Hawaii where we hiked 7 out of 8 days)
    -continue to eat correctly enough (special diet from my reg Dr.) to keep my depression at bay
    -grow all my own produce for the summer and fall

    I think this is just what I needed to stay motivated. Thanks so much.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    New people yay !!
    I think this is just what I needed to stay motivated. Thanks so much.

    Thanks to you ! Every new people is an asset ! I'm glad you're here.

    Let's get to work everybody ! ;)

  • SRJennings
    SRJennings Posts: 126 Member
    I joined this board 6 days ago and I am really enjoying being part of this group. So, it is time that I belatedly post my goals.

    My ultimate goal is to lose 28 pounds by June 14. I started this effort (again) 14 days ago and I can celebrate the loss of 5 pounds. It is extremely important to me that I embark on the June 14 trip as a women who is comfortable in her own skin, not embarrassed and humiliated by being obviously overweight. Also, If I cannot lose weight I will be put on cholesterol medication.

    So. In order to achieve this I am firmly committed to:
    1-Eating moderately (1000 to 1200 cals/day) and journaling everything in MFP everyday.
    2-Exercising a minimum of 5 days a week.
    3-Reporting Daily to this group
    4-Eating only between the hours of 10am to 5pm 5 time each week.

    I wish good luck and great results for each and everyone of us!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    SRJennings wrote: »
    I joined this board 6 days ago and I am really enjoying being part of this group.

    Your presence is really appreciated you know !

    5lbs in 14 days is a lot and amazing ! Small victory and worth celebrating !

    I'm wondering something though, because I dont know you're height or weight but 1000-1200 cals seems like very little if you are working out. From what I read it's never recomended to go under 1200 cals a day. And even if MFP puts your calories goal at 1200 often it can be better to up it.

    Know that I'm not writing this because I think what you're doing is wrong. I respect everybody choice. It's just that sometimes people just don't know.
    I'm 5'6 and I lost weight eating 1600 cals a day while working out. Might take more time but your body still needs fuel.

    There are a lots of articles here on MFP that can help you setting your calorie intake better than the settings that MFP does for everybody by default. If you are interested there is one here:

    Again this is just in case you dont know about it, I respect anything people choose to do. :)
  • TexasBeauty89
    TexasBeauty89 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello everyone!! I'm Myra. 25 yrs old and from Texas. My highest was 280.8 lbs. I just started my journey and as of today I'm 274.4 lbs. My ultimate goal is to reach 130-140 since I'm only 5'0. Add me if you'd like.
  • mygin44
    mygin44 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi to all. I tried to read everyone's intro. I have battled my weight since I can remember. I am a mother of four boys, who recently got the youngest into kindergarten this year. I joined a gym 6 weeks ago, started keeping a food diary 3 weeks ago. I would love to have support. Somehow my husband doesn't get it. I have to work extra hard to work out and eat healthy. I work out 5 days a week. M-F. The weekends are just too hard to squeeze anything in. I work the Arc trainer for an hour, then add an hour of weights M, W, F.
    My goals
    1. To be able to say my weight out loud. (Actual, not fabricated)
    2. To have such a healthy eating habit that I dont realize its healthy.
    3. To not just feel thin, but to feel fit and strong.
  • elane127
    elane127 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Elane. I'm 19 and active. Unfortunately, I have a sweet tooth. I work out 6 times a week and was an athlete and eat healthy meals but I've always been on the chubby side. I'm 5'7" and 170 lbs. I would like to be 160 lbs and after I reach that goal I'd like to be 150 or 140. I haven't been under 150 since elementary school (I matured fast) so if Iever got down to that weight it would change a lot about my life. Thanks and I wish you all good luck.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Myra, Elane and Mygin!

    Thanks for sharing your goals with us! You are very welcome in the group !
  • Holly92154
    Holly92154 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey! My name is Holly. I started losing weight almost exactly 5 months ago. I'm down 51 pounds with 30 more to go. I workout 9-11 hours a week. I'm doing a sprint triathlon at the end of this month. I hope to reach my goal weight and finish a full IRONMAN by the end of this year ;)
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Wow Holly ! That is amazing ! Congratulation. It's great to have you here !
  • hood737
    My name is Carmen. I'm a newcomer in this group. I'm very happy to support Isabelle's project.
    I reached retirement age, but I'm still very active. I work almost full time and I go to the gym every second day since the beginning of January.
    I took this decision when I realized that I gained weight very quickly during the last few months and that I'm not comfortable with this excess of weight.
    My weight : 185 pounds
    My goal : losing 30 pounds by the end of this year.
    I'll do it one day at a time. I plan to exercise 30 minutes a day. Gym : 1 1/4 hour 3 times a week, 30 minutes walk every second day.
    I'll change some eating habits, but I'll do it gradually.
    Today I spent 40 minutes shoveling snow on my balcony and driveway.
    I intend to live long and I'll take all necessary measures to reach this goal.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Carmen,

    You are most welcome!

    I like your goal. It's doable and you have a good plan to acheive it ! One day at a time goes a long way ! :D

    Remember that this is not MY project, it's OUR project. We are all in this together and we will do it ! Oh yes we will !
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    edited February 2015
    I thought I would move this thread in the discussion section so this way I think everybody will see when someone new join the group and share their goals with us, so we can all say hello :D
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi, my name is Jennie. I hope it's okay if I join.

    I've been dieting on and off since I was 9. I got sick in March 2013 and was sick for the majority of a year. During that time, I couldn't cook or exercise, so I was eating a lot of fast food/delivery. And I was also eating a lot of junk food to make myself feel better. I got back up to my highest weight every. I then spend over a year losing and gaining the same 5 pounds. Frustrated and at my wits end, I joined Jenny Craig for my second time. I'm doing pretty good on that. I need that person that will give me crap if I'm cheating too much. lol

    My goals:

    -Complete my YBB program
    -Do yoga as many days as possible
    -Get my steps as many days as possible
    -Do at least 10 minutes of mediation each day

  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Jennie, it is more than ok if you join ;)

    So, if I get you , we must give you crap if you're cheating :D

    I see you're into yoga and meditation. Then, you probably already know about this wonderful website :

    Totally free. But, what most people don't know is that when you go in the "program" section and you choose a program to download, the little window comes up asking you how much you want to donate but if you input "0" you can download it for free.

    I'm telling you this (you and anybody who is into yoga) because there are tons of great videos on that website but sometimes, you don't know what to do, in what order, when etc... but when I found out that I was able to get the programs, it really helped organizing my practice. So now I want to tell the world! :)

    I wish you the best of luck and I'm happy to have you here with us !

  • RandomA1
    RandomA1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Alondra. I lost about 50lbs during 2008/2009, kept it off for 3 years, but then gained it all back and a little more when my lifestyle and job changed. The weight loss was so easy for me then: I just cut down on my portions and it fell right (probably because I was living in the city and had to walk everywhere).

    I've started and stopped trying to lose weight so many times in the past year. It's been much harder this time but I think in a way that's good. Hopefully, once I lose the weight, I won't take it for granted this time. Even after the 50lb weight loss last time I wasn't happy with how I looked since I was skinny fat. This time I'm going to incorporate more exercise, especially strength training.

    -Lose 60 lbs by the end of the year
    -Lose 40 lbs by the time of my cruise in August
    -Exercise at least 4 times a week
    -Not just meet my caloric goals on MFP but do it with mostly whole, well-rounded meals (I don't mind splurging but I've been known to fulfill my caloric goals with mostly crap)
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Hi Alondra !

    Good to have you here. I hope this group will help you reaching your goals.
    Hope to hear from you often ! :)
  • ShandaMSanders
    ShandaMSanders Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Shanda & I am a daughter, sister, mother, Nana, girlfriend... who has had a love/hate relationship with food (ok, mostly love, love, LOVE) all my adult life. I'm 48 yo, 5'6" tall & many peeps are surprised to find I weigh over 200 lbs. Thanks to good genes, I have always carried weight well - but, I want to BE healthy, inside & out!
    My goal for this year is actually not a number on a scale, but a healthier lifestyle: my boyfriend & I want to run at least one 5k this year, I got a Kayak for Christmas (which hasn't felt water yet due to lousy weather) & when I'm not walking/hiking/running, I want to be on the water - I want to camp, & be outdoors in the fresh air as much as possible! COME ON SPRING! In the meantime, I've discovered Wii Fit for these dreary winter/rainy days, and I'm loving my Fitbit & MFP because they've both made me more aware of what I need to focus on to have the life I want!
    My daughter Kristen (aka, Kris) pointed me to this group as a source of support & inspiration to help me stay on track - I look forward to sharing the journey with all of you! I started on my goal to a healthier life the weekend after Christmas and I'm down 15 lbs to date - 10 more & I will be below 200 lbs for the first time in a long time! Here's to reaching & exceeding goals & expectations!! God bless & have a wonderful, healthy day!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Thanks for sharing Shanda!

    I love your goals. I too am a big fan of the great outdoors and yes, winters can be hard. ( I know a bit about that as I live in Québec/Canada ;) )

    Good luck with everything! :)