60 Day Weigh in!!

SW: 170
GW: 130's
CW: 161.2

DAY1: 168
DAY10: 163.5
DAY20: 166
DAY30: 164.6
DAY40: 165.8
DAY50: 163.8
DAY60: 161.2


I didn't exercise much at all but I lost 2.6 lbs without exercising. I hope to see 150's by DAY 70!! I think I can :smiley:
I am finally seeing progress and I actually wore a pair of old jeans the other day that I haven't wore in a year...Super excited about that and I can't wait to see more progress!


  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    edited February 2015
    @lorrikooten - you are doing AWESOME! :awesome:

    I will be at day 60 on Friday and will update then! Hoping to see a loss! :flushed:
  • weavernv
    weavernv Posts: 1,555 Member
    Hurray, I've started losing again!

    My SW: 184
    CW: 148.1
    GW: 135

    START Date: 12-10-14
    DAY: 1 : 148.1
    DAY: 10: 150.1
    DAY: 20 147.2
    DAY: 30 147.6
    DAY: 40 148.4
    DAY: 50 146.5
    DAY: 60 145.4
    DAY: 70
    DAY: 80
    DAY: 90
    DAY: 100
    END of challenge date: March 20, 2014
  • lorrikooten
    lorrikooten Posts: 66 Member
    @weavernv Great Job!!!
    @tiffanylacourse looking forward to seeing your post :)
  • Slowly but surely getting closer! I can't wait to get back into the low 220's! That's how much I weighed the summer before 8th grade!!! I probably won't get there before the end of 100 days, but who knows?!

    I can also tell that I'm a bit fitter than back then, because I could never have run 3.1 miles back then and I'm wearing a 12 these days, which is a size smaller than I wore back then!

    SW: 282ish
    CW: 231.6
    GW: 180

    START Date: 12-15-14
    DAY: 1- 244
    DAY: 9- 238
    DAY: 20- 238.3
    DAY: 30- 237.5
    DAY: 40- 233.1
    DAY: 50- 233.5
    DAY: 60- 231.6
    DAY: 70
    DAY: 80
    DAY: 90
    DAY: 100
    END of challenge date: March 25, 2015
    Total lost so far: 12.4

    GOALS: Lose at least 15 pounds, run a 5K in under 35 min (shaving 5 min. off of my current time), and drop a clothes size!
  • tatiianag13
    tatiianag13 Posts: 76 Member
    My SW: 151.4
    CW: 142.6
    GW: 115

    START Date: 12-15-14
    DAY: 1: 148.4 (estimate, I weighed on 12/12/14)
    DAY: 10: 145.2 (12/25/14)
    DAY: 20: 145.2 (01/04/15)
    DAY: 30: 146 (01/15/15)
    DAY: 40: 146 (01/25/15)
    DAY: 50: 143 (02/04/15)
    DAY: 60: 142.6 (02/14/15)
    DAY: 70
    DAY: 80
    DAY: 90
    DAY: 100
    END of challenge date: March 25, 2015

    Check-in: Now that I've reconciled myself to losing at a glacially slow rate, I'm actually really proud of myself. In the last 10 days, one of my goals was to start exercising. Just 15 minutes, 5 days a week. And I've done it for 2 weeks. Since I'm limited to how much exercise I can do, I decided to experiment with tabata intervals. I can't swear to it, but I think its helped. The scale hasn't moved much, but I can finally tell that my clothes are fitting better. Mostly because my gut is smaller. I'm really close to the 10 lb mark. So I'm super excited. 130's, here I come, 1 lb at a time.

    Recap of 100 Day Challenge Goal: "My goal is consistency. To consistently not eat flour or sugar. To consistently exercise at least 10 minutes a day. My weight goal is to be in the 130s. I'm not picky...139.8 will do!"
  • craftymommy
    craftymommy Posts: 57 Member
    edited February 2015
    My SW: 205
    CW: 163
    GW (end of 100 days): 149

    START Date: 12-15-14
    DAY 1: 163
    DAY 9: 160
    Day 20: 159
    Day 30: 160
    Day 40: 158
    Day 50: 157
    Day 60: 154

    I forgot earlier to check in at my 50 days, but yesterday was my day 60. I've been chugging along, just focusing on eating better and getting as much walking as I can in. This entire journey has been more of a slow and steady thing. I have to remember that when I get frustrated at the lack of scale movement. I have finally hit 50 pounds lost total (well, now I'm at 51#s lost)! I'm going to keep going, though. I still have 20 pounds to lose before I will reevaluate where I want to go with my health and fitness. My goal is to get into the 140s by the 100th day, even if it's 149.9.

  • melissab127
    melissab127 Posts: 14 Member
    SW: 145.6 lbs
    GW: 127 lbs

    START Date: 12-12-14
    DAY 1: 145.6
    DAY 10: 143.2
    DAY 20: 143.0
    DAY 30: 143.2
    DAY 40: 139.4
    DAY 50: 136.6
    DAY 60: 132.2 (should have posted 02/10)
    DAY 70:
    DAY 80:
    DAY 90:
    DAY 100:
    END of challenge date: March 23, 2014
  • melissab127
    melissab127 Posts: 14 Member
    Also, I think I had an unfair advantage with recent weight loss. I had the flu and no appetite. The weight is coming back...