Urgh Pizza

Pizza day at work today.... how do you avoid the pizza? (It's not even great pizza...but I have this draw to it.... like a magnet!!)


  • Superlissaanne
    Superlissaanne Posts: 30 Member
    Oh- and I already had two slices...but the binger in my wants to have more :(
  • dinoNicki
    dinoNicki Posts: 6 Member
    No more pizza!! Don't water your rime on pizza that isn't even good. You will regret it. Find something healthy to snack on. :)
  • dinoNicki
    dinoNicki Posts: 6 Member
    Waste your time..I should have proof read it
  • devoslosingit
    devoslosingit Posts: 48 Member
    I totally understand! I work in a kitchen and I'm constantly faced with choices I'm not eating. The comfort foods like pizza and potatoes are the hardest to say no to. It sucks! Today is a new day! Don't beat yourself up!