I love meeting other lesbians and discussing a variety of different topics but no one ever posts!


  • paperfiish
    paperfiish Posts: 52 Member
    I agree, same here. I think one of the issues though is that, outside of falling somewhere on the LGBTQIA spectrum and being on here, there's not much else (known) common ground to build longer conversations on. Not saying that we don'tshare similar interests, but that when, say, I feel like talking about Firefly feels or the lunar eclipse last night, I don't think to post here, you know?

    Maybe we could change that though, like a "lets talk about who we are outside of our LGBTQIA aspects" or something.
  • bbwphoto1976
    bbwphoto1976 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. Yeah there isn't much happening on here... which is sad BUT we can change that.
    I didn't get to see the whole moon phase, only the last few hours before the sun came up. Since I was already awake and at work to see it. :-) What I did see... was a pretty big moon.

    I have a question/topic..... kinda related to gltb.... would you date/relationship with someone else that is also losing weight? If so, have you been there before... made the relationship stronger? Helped each other? OR did it hurt each other? My exwife and I were married in June 2011... by fall of 2012 we were going our own ways. She had weight lost sugery and I was finding myself again to loss weight (I had put myself on hold to care for her). I don't think I could do that again..... BUT if a woman wants to do it the "old fashion way" with me :-)
  • Harrisonsauntie2005
    Harrisonsauntie2005 Posts: 215 Member
    I have a good forum post idea!
  • MartialPanda
    MartialPanda Posts: 919 Member
    I agree...........idk why it's so lame this should be the most extravagant posting forum group!

    @BSSW2013- i like that idea. I'd post :)
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    Here, here!! Funny, though...I always check to see if anything new has been posted, but never start it myself...maybe that should change! :happy:
  • crissy_percival
    crissy_percival Posts: 2,447 Member
    Yeah i look everytime i am on for anything new, but never know what to write you know...
  • hypegoose
    hypegoose Posts: 29
    Me too!

    The main forums on MFP aren't terribly LGBT+ friendly. Not to say they're not friendly, they're just not... LGBT+ centric, y'know?

  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Well then, the only people who can change that is us :smile: I'm active across a few social media things and all my queer stuff tends to go in other places. I'll try to remember to post more things in here, it would be great to get to know you all a little better.
  • Razzaz
    Razzaz Posts: 102 Member
    I wish this group was more active too
  • Alchemagician
    Alchemagician Posts: 27 Member
    Well damn, let's make it more active! I check in on MFP daily and will make a point of coming over here to check for new stuff/post. :)
  • Myveganwellies
    Myveganwellies Posts: 10 Member
    I have a question. Why is it important to have a label - 'gay' 'lesbian' transgender'...... etc and without meaning to not mention the many other wonderful people out there. Why cant we just love who we love and be known by and refered to by our names not our sexual preference?
  • edithejaime
    edithejaime Posts: 23 Member
    Where is there a group in Los Angeles that want to workout seems like people just want to hook up let's talk health beauty diet exercise. ..
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I have a question. Why is it important to have a label - 'gay' 'lesbian' transgender'...... etc and without meaning to not mention the many other wonderful people out there. Why cant we just love who we love and be known by and refered to by our names not our sexual preference?

    I thonk it's not so much the label itself as much as having a starting point for conversations. Kind of like when I was learning French and our instructor asked us if we were a cat or a dog. We all looked at him like he was crazy, and he said it meant are you a cat or a dog person. I said both, but proceeded to tell a long story about my dog, in French. Labels give people a common language from which to begin to get to know one another. That doesn't mean that label is the only thing that person is. And, we may be a string of labels, like, I'm a Unitarian Universalist, Pagan, lesbian, gardener, writer, parent to three dogs and a cat, English speaker, youth specialist, storyteller, poet, public speaker, lover, activist, neighbor, formerly shy extrovert. What labels do you claim?
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I have a good forum post idea!

    Anyone can start a discussikn thread. Just go to the group's main page and click on start discussion, or whatever it says there. GO FOR IT! This is a safe place.
    NJCHERYL78 Posts: 8 Member
    Anyone in the NJ area?
  • vv523
    vv523 Posts: 429 Member
    Just want to say hi room
  • Chr1zs
    Chr1zs Posts: 5 Member
    vv523 wrote: »
    Just want to say hi room
    Hi ;)
  • vv523
    vv523 Posts: 429 Member
    Chr1zs wrote: »
    vv523 wrote: »
    Just want to say hi room
    Hi ;)

    Hi chr1zs nice pic
  • monikker
    monikker Posts: 322 Member
    Maybe we should talk about what all the LGBTQ folk are doing diet/fitness wise.

    Today I'm starting a low carb regimen in addition to fasted cardio/working out that I've been doing the last 2 weeks. I want to lose about 5 lbs basically as a detox, then bulk to build muscle as I'm skinny except for the few lbs on my belly and love handles. What are y'all up to?
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Partner is supposed to folliw liw FODMAP, but she keeps craving things like pizza (and bringing it home) and ither no nos. Hoping st least to be wheat free soon, to decrease inflammation and cut carbs and calories.