jfkk41 Posts: 15 Member
I'm not sure about any of you but I suffer set backs regularly. They usually occur when I have my period due to lack of energy, cramps and just being plain bitchy.

I'm working on getting through that. I've been researching what supplements are out there to help to.

Do any of you experience set backs to?
What do you do to combat that?


  • My setbacks are usually due to lack of time. Excuses right!? I own my business, have 2 active children ages 10&12. It seems like we just run out of time. That's when poor food choices come in to play ie: fast food. I just need to make time for what's important.

    My husband and I have been exercising 5 days a week, so that has helped and tonight I start refit. I have to be super careful because I have rheumatoid arthritis and have had since I was 8 years old. This extra weight definitely isn't helping that!! I just have to keep pushing!!
  • cwdurbin
    cwdurbin Posts: 4 Member
    I will probably jinx myself by saying this but I haven't really experienced any MAJOR setbacks yet. Yes, I do have the wild PMS cravings but I've found that if I indulge than I just head to the gym and work it a little bit harder. I've found it negates the extra calories and the workout usually helps with the cramps and bad mood. :smile:

    I do forsee an issue that I will have to address that will probably cause a little backsliding though. I developed a hernia when I was pregnant with my second son and it seems like the more fit I become the more issues I have with pain. SOoooo, as soon as my hubs gets a job I think I will be headed to a Dr. to see what I can do about that. (if surgery is necessary it will mean 6 weeks off. Boooo!!)
  • jfkk41
    jfkk41 Posts: 15 Member
    I have a hernia too but mine doesn't both me one bit, so I'm lucky there. I have a thyroid and blood pressure issue that do effect my weight but I'm done making the excuses. I have two sisters both of which are and have always been thin (they take after my father). I take after my mother ans have always struggled. One of my sisters has a group through BeachBody and she's been bugging me to join her but it costs me money as all her endeavors seem to and I have an issue with her being "in charge" when it comes to my health and well being. I might be stupid for feeling like that but I want to do this MY way.

    I'm going to work hard to keep up with all of you girls and I'm looking forward to making some life long friends in the process :D
  • Honestly right now my set back is not being able to motivate myself. I like to go to the gym with someone but most of the time i have nobody to go with me so i just don't go. I need to learn to just get up and do it.
  • jfkk41
    jfkk41 Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm te complete opposite. I'd rather workout alone. I don't like the distractions. When I'm on the treadmill I read and listen to music on my headphones. It makes the time fly by and it doesn't feel like it's a chore.
  • cwdurbin
    cwdurbin Posts: 4 Member
    I like doing cardio alone but I would like a partner for lifting. I feel like I need the extra push sometimes because I can get too comfortable with my weights. I totally rock out though when I'm doing my cardio so it's better for me to be by myself.
  • I need a workout partner and sometimes not enough hours in the day. I say Im gonna go to gym after work and then end up working longer and before I know it is 9pm or later and Im exhausted and completely unmotivated to go to gym. Maybe i need to go in the morning. Im totally not a morning person tho. I am like on autopilot for first 3 hours and first 2 cups of coffee.
  • RhondaKayH70
    RhondaKayH70 Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest setback right now is getting over pneumonia. I try to workout and I am out of breath and exhausted within a few min. I feel like I have to start all over again. Less than a month ago I could easily do 30 min of cardio. I am stuck doing this a few times a day until I regain my strength.
  • jfkk41
    jfkk41 Posts: 15 Member
    edited March 2015
    Take it slow and work your way back to where you were. Don't get frustrated because it's just going to lead you in the wrong direction.