Daily Report 2015-02-25

lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
Goooood Morning !

I'm so proud of all of you for doing what you're doing. I feel lucky that this group is going so well and I thank you for participating !

Can't wait to see what you did today !


  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Ugh I forgot my lunch at home today :\, I'm going to see if I can make it home real quick and snag my lunch and still be able to get my husband something too....wish me luck. But if not, I'll find something yummy and healthy somewhere in town.

    Last night I did my zumba and my circuit workout and I'm feeling pretty awesome today. I didn't do my morning workout this morning, I took too long in the shower. But this afternoon I will make up with a 45min circuit. I've checked the weather for next week, and the upside is it's going to be warmer (YAY!), but the downside is it's predicted to be raining all week (POO!) Hopefully the weather won't be too bad and I can FINALLY get a good run in :smiley:. Keeping my fingers and toes and arms and legs crossed lol, I think that's a yoga pose.

    Well, I can't wait to hear from everyone else today. Stay awesome ladies!

    ~ Kris
  • ShandaMSanders
    ShandaMSanders Posts: 22 Member

    I pushed myself this morning and did 45 minutes instead of only 30 - I ate a good breakfast and gave myself a little extra time to enjoy my first of only two cups of coffee I'll have today! Other than a crick in my neck (don't know how I slept last night but I'm feeling it), I'm otherwise feeling good! I'm going to look into that Zumba program that Kris has been doing because it sounds like fun :smile: Sunday the temp is supposed to be in the mid to upper 70's here - I see the outdoors in my weekend forecast - rain or shine!!!

    Have a wonderful day and stay focused Ladies!!!

  • SRJennings
    SRJennings Posts: 126 Member
    Hi all,

    I have experienced an odd and terrifying weight gain the last two days even though I have met or exceeded all of my goals. I am so desperate to lose weight that even these totally normal fluctuations make my head spin!

    I had a great workout this morning and am totally on plan for eating today so hopefully I will be logging on with my happy dance/weight loss later this week!

    Best to you all!
  • playmadcats
    playmadcats Posts: 199 Member
    Tennis lesson this morning. Ok but not one of my best ones.
    Just had first swim lesson this evening ( or first for about 35 years) nice coach and managed half a mile before lesson but cringed at front crawl. I neveruse it as I know my technique is so bad. Always use breast stroke but I know learning or relearning the other strokes will help my fitness, breathing and also my swimming.
  • nanavickig
    nanavickig Posts: 30 Member
    Susan, any sudden gain is just temporary water weight, probably due to hormones or exercise or stress!! Try to forget about and just keep doing what you're doing, and you know and we know you are doing great!! :-D
    I have had another good day, weighed this morning and i have lost the 3lb holiday gain and another 2lb since saturday!! Over the moon about thst! Today i was under my calorie goal, did 17k on my exercise bike , had good protein intake, read some of my book just about to read some more before sleeping. I also realised my fat intake is far too low so i added a teaspoon of veg oil to my curry and drank a teaspoon of virgin olive oil to get my fat up. Seemed like a waste of calories but i read too little fat is bad too (i was on 9% before the oil). Anyone else eat food they dont really want just to improve their ratios or up their calories? Well done everyone for another good day, what a team we are!!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    edited February 2015
    @ Susan, Vicky is right. We all know you are doing so well. Please, dont let the scale try to tell you otherwise.
    Personnaly, when I get close to my period I can be 3lbs heavier on the scale, no matter how well I'm doing.

    @ Vicky, about your question usually, I listen to my body. I notice that often, what I feel like eating (fat, fruits, meat etc) is often what I need but I must say I dont really look futher into that. And sometimes take a tsp of coconut oil, I like it !

    Today, for no apparent reason I was exhausted ! So, I took it really easy.

    -60 mins walk
    -60 mins guitar

    I have no idea why I'm so tired, I can't wait to go to bed it's gonna be soo sweeeeet!

    Have a nice evening everybody! :)
  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    Another long day. Home and stayed within my calorie goals. Got in a 40 min run and 30 min walk. I'm done for the day. Need more sleep. Night all.
