Weight Loss & Breastfeeding

Hi everyone! I'm 28 and am currently 7 weeks postpartum after having my first baby. I'm 15 pounds above pre-pregnancy weight, but am hoping to lose an additional 15-20 pounds.

Does anyone have any advice or tips on how to lose weight without compromising milk supply for breastfeeding?


  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    Just keep your calories up with heathly food. Drink lots of water too. I'm 5 weeks postpartum with my second. I breastfed my 1st for a year and could exercise all I wanted as long I didn't drop below 1700 caliores.
  • genitirado
    genitirado Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I have a 11 month baby and still breast feeding. I lost 20 kl so far, I have to lose 10 more. At the beginning I did weight watcher but I lost motivation, know I'm doing my fitnes pal but I would love a diet budy. I'm tryng to walk at list 500 cal every day and every other day I try to exercise. Riding to work, going to the gym, or maybe dancing for my baby. Please contact me if you want a diet budy to motivate and support each other.
  • Hi, I am breastfeeding my 6 month old and have no clue how many calories I should have. I just started mfp yesterday and started tracking my food. I'm having such a hard time taking the baby weight off. I am hoping this works. Good luck!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    It depends on how much your little one is nursing. When my son (5-1/2 months old) was exclusively breastfed, I added 500 calories to my daily intake. Now that we are supplementing with formula (because I can only find time to pump once a day at work) and he is eating a little baby food, I only add 300 calories. You can add it as a food with a negative value (if you have negative values enabled in your settings)--I just searched for "breastfeeding" under foods, and several came up. I've also recently read that you should eat at least 1800 calories per day if you are breastfeeding.
  • Thank you! I just added 300 calories to my profile since my son eats solids now.
  • Wrenling
    Wrenling Posts: 1 Member
    Useful! Just getting back into MFP after a long time away, and am breastfeeding for the first time too! :)
  • jenniplants
    jenniplants Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks!i had no idea breastfeeding alterd my calorie count so much,i am exclusively breastfeeding so i added 500.
  • raspberryk
    raspberryk Posts: 39 Member
    Just checking in EBF my 4 week old and starting to try to get some pounds off! xx
  • sbgusn
    sbgusn Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies :-)

    Here I am back on MFP after 2 years ... I really fell off the wagon and now have a sweet 4 week old who I am exclusively breastfeeding. I'm glad I found this thread... I already knew I was supposed to be eating some additional calories but I use that as an excuse to myself constantly.
  • vtleo82
    vtleo82 Posts: 5
    For all you breastfeeding ladies I have a fabulous program that will make it easier to loose your baby weight as well as get you and your baby all the nutrition you need. I am a wellness coach and would love to help you. I know how tough of a battle it ia rebounding after pregnancy.
  • lrob87
    lrob87 Posts: 20 Member
    Adding as a food with a negative value - that is a good idea!!! I am breastfeeding and supplementing my 3 month old with formula because of supply issues, so I added "Breastfeeding" as a cardiovascular workout burning 200 calories a day and adjusted my exercise goals accordingly. The only downer is the little status update thing that automatically pops up proclaiming, "lrob87 has just burned 200 calories breastfeeding" lol!
  • Hi everyone! I am 29 years old and have 3 girls. Ages 11,5, and 5 months. I am also breastfeeding my 5 month old and plan to until she is 1. I gained 45 lbs with my daughter and lost 35 lbs within 3 weeks post pardum, exclusively breastfeeding. Those last 10 lbs are stubborn! Using MFP I have lost almost the 10 lbs. Now to tone up! I added 500 calories to the 1200 I was given since I am breastfeeding and still lost the weight. Glad I found this thread!
  • OneDeterminedMama
    OneDeterminedMama Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! Breastfeeding 6 Month old here. I constantly stress about milk supply. I too add 500 per day :) feel free to add!
  • eva_svi
    eva_svi Posts: 24 Member
    Hi girls, I'm a mother of three and still breastfeeding my youngest (8mo). After my second, I managed to get a six pack stomach about a year post partum so I will give my two cents :wink: I ate fairly clean, added about 500 kcal for BF (even after starting solids) and also additional calories for exercise. I did HIIT five times a week at home, most of the time for 10-15 mins bodyweight training at max effort and I went running twice a week. Now post baby No. 3 I wasn't exactly watching my intake so I still have about 10 lbs to lose. I plan on doing the same thing and will be happy for any new MFP friends to support each other :smile: Feel free to add me!
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I am nursing a 9 week old. I don't drop below 2000 cal per day (doctor's recommendation), so I eat back some of my exercise calories. I do count breastfeeding as exercise (I enter 400 calories) in addition to my other exercise. It is too soon to tell if this is working for me, but it is a great start and gets me back into tracking my food (I stopped tracking it at 8 months pregnant). I have lost 23lbs since delivery, and have 50 left to get back to my original weight.
  • My baby is a month old, I am just breastfeeding. Right now I weight about 160 I would like to get down to 125. I have 2 other kids also, trying to eat better and find time to exercise more.
  • kel_lace
    kel_lace Posts: 3
    Hi everyone! My baby is 6 weeks old and I am exclusively breastfeeding. I have about 12 lbs to lose to get to pre-pregnancy weight but would like to lose an additional 5-8 lbs and tone up! I'm also worried about my supply dropping when I go back to work, and hoping that healthy food choices help to sustain it.
  • Hi ladies, I am breastfeeding mother of 3. My 6 month old just started solids today so time to get rid of my stubborn baby weight. I am 160 and 5'1. I was overweight after my second baby but would like to lose 30+ pounds. I exercise 5-6 days a week. But I am going to start watching my food intake now. Looking for support and accountability partners!
  • Gabriellagorey
    Gabriellagorey Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2015
    So glad to stumble upon this post. I have a 3 month old and I'm currently BF. I'm trying to stay as active as possible but, it's difficult with my little one. She refuses to take anything but me so most of my time sitting down and breastfeeding her. I just turned 25 not too long ago but I'm seriously feeling 95 these days due to putting on so much weight. When I do get a chance to move I really enjoy hula hooping, hiking, yoga, and dancing. If anyone is looking for a weight loss buddy please feel free to add me. Take care ladies! =)
  • MindfulNat
    MindfulNat Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everyone I'm glad I found this thread. I am only here as a reader as my baby is only a week old' we're still working on making BF work without pain. I'll start my weight loss journey in 3 - 4 weeks