Day 51: 3/2/15

SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
Welcome to the second half of this challenge!! Congratulations all around for sticking with us! Now is the time to reassess your goal. Were you too aggressive? Too lenient? Just right? You can always update your goal!

I had a good weekend, but I feel terrible today. I have the beginning of a head cold and I desperately want to be at home in bed, but I have an important meeting today that I can't miss. Any other meeting I would ask a co-worker to fill in for me, but this one just isn't something that someone can jump right into.

So I need to rest today. It gives me a little bit of anxiety to skip a workout, so that's my goal today. No anxiety, I NEED rest!!!!

Goals for today:
1. stay within calories
2. try to survive work
3. sleep (no working out or worrying about steps)


  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Happy Monday! Hope you feel better soon SingRunTing, do what you have to do and then rest.
    I have been thinking about my goal, January went great, February had a multitude of challenges but I have been holding steady and can't seem to drop below where I am at. I was being quite aggressive with the goal weight I set. I will give it my best efforts this month and if I can't budge from where I am then I will reset my goal and begin maintenance.
    Todays goals:
    Day 26 - Butt challenge - completed
    Day 37 - burpee challenge - completed
    Day 2 - March challenge - completed
    Stay within calories
    Appointment with personal trainer tonight
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!
    SingRunTing, I hope you feel better soon! Take care!
    Yesterday was a wonderful day because I ate good and managed to stay away from goldfish crackers :) seriously, lately they became some kind of obsession for me and I couldn't say no to them. Sure, they are baked and not the worst food ever, but for me ( grain intolerance here) they were like poison. There is nothing like getting an alert message from my body in the form of breakouts :( I am happy because life is all about small victories!!!
    Today is Monday and in about 2 hours I'm going to be in some real pain here from my ab workout; thank God I only do it once a week :) the rest of the training will be quite pleasant with squats and bench press and rows and pull-ups training.
    Have a fabulous day and great start to the week!!!
  • krp97
    krp97 Posts: 167 Member
    SingRunTing, feel better!! Just rest so you can get better quicker.
    Danezuletza, goldfish are my weakness too. Thankfully they don't make me sick but I can't control myself either when they are around.

    Yesterday was a lazy Sunday. Didn't get my steps in, log everything, or get everything done that I wanted. Today I'm off to a rough start because I woke up with a bad stomach.
    Goals for today:
    1. Go to the post office and Joann's.
    2. Basketball, daylight and weather permitting.
    3. 8-10 k steps.
    4. Stay within calories.
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    Just got back from a BD cruise for my hubby~Had a blast! Went ziplining , dancing, walking & snorkeling...gained about 3 lbs....back to work! ha Luv ;0)
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Janice0711, if you only gained 3 lbs and had lots of fun you did well. It will come off again as soon as you get back to regular eating. Cruises and vacations are notorious for weight gain but it's all part of life. Enjoy it and then back on track. :)