Anxiety over phonecalls?

TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
Hi. I recently thought it might be a good idea to reach out to a group of similar minded individuals to see if this was something anyone had any experience or advice with.

I get anxiety about phonecalls. I power through them because I know I must, but there are times where I feel like throwing up once I'm done. The entire time I'm tense, I can feel my nerves shaking and I get the pit in my stomach like a ball of stress just built its home there and won't move out.

A few of my friends have said that they experience the same anxiety. It reassures me to know that I'm not alone, but I feel like it would be better if I found ways to tackle it. I want to be done with this. I don't want it to take over my life anymore and I want the freedom to be able to make choices in my life without this fear.


  • patchworkpuppet
    patchworkpuppet Posts: 6 Member
    whoa hello this was ages ago but I have a similar problem. I've found that having some object in my hand while I'm making the phone call helps me by leaps and bounds. For example, I have a coin that I like to turn over and over and squeeze. It gives me an outlet for all of the nervous energy. I still end up crying in the bathroom afterwards sometimes, but it definitely helps a little bit.
  • evanaudreywyatt
    I have the same issue. My husband will help out with phone calls when he can but they make me flip out. Most people don't understand it.