Breastfeeding and sick of only losing 1 lb per week :(

jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
Okay, okay, I know I should be happy I'm losing a pound a week and that it's sustainable in the long haul, blah blah blah.....I still want to lose it faster!

I'm actually not logging here any more, I'm on Weight Watchers because I feel I need the weekly accountability plus a few other features I like better than going the MFP route. I was thinking about lowering my points by 3 per day to speed things up, because I heard losing 1% a week is okay when breastfeeding. I am afraid though that I'll get too hungry and go overboard and ruin all my progress if I do that though. I can't exercise much more- I already do quite a bit and don't eat most of it back.

What thinkest thou? BTW, I need to lose about 50 pounds and I don't want it to take a whole year!


  • fastmomonthego158
    fastmomonthego158 Posts: 26 Member
    I wouldn't cut back to much and risk lossing your breast milk supply!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think 1lb a week is a good, sustainable loss.

    Unfortunately I couldn't exclusively breastfeed any of my children as they lost too much weight, so I mix fed. When I stopped doing that and they were just on formula, I was eating at a deficit and exercising loads and still only lost 0.5-1lb a week. I lost 66lbs after my second baby and have 30lbs left to lose after my third. It comes off eventually. Think yourself lucky that you can breastfeed. I'd give anything to have been able to.
  • kgwisor
    kgwisor Posts: 1
    I exclusively pump and 7 weeks pp. I have about 18 more lbs to lose to get back to my pp weight. In averaging 1-2 lbs a week but I'm with you! I wish I could speed things up but honestly when it seems like I really limit my calorie intake, my weight loss stalls. Hasn't seems to affect my supply yet, I keep very well hydrated. It's just hard for me to find a happy medium! I either eat too much and gain or I eat too little and it stalls!
  • hi i think that you are doing amazing work so far, keep it and dont gave up. there is few things you might try;
    1. try to eat more food that will help produce more milk and at the same time will help you loose weight
    2. eat more fresh food (fruits and veggies) with a lot of water in it (blueberries, oranges)
    3. drink more water- water with fresh fruit of your choice in it is good idea to give it better taste
    4. look into your exercise programme- dont do to much because that might slow down milk production. 30 minutes a day is plenty
    5. if you are more than 6 weeks after having a baby you might start doing more cardio- interval system based routine in 30 minutes will be perfect
    6. you an do your butt or legs - even abs routine with weights. Weight training will help you tone your body faster plus you will loose some extra weight( maximum 3-4 kg weights)
    7. to keep your energy high and calories safe snack nuts or add them to your meals
    8. get friendly with home made fruit smoothies- they are god send.