Specific Goal?

cwdurbin Posts: 4 Member
I know in the fb group everyone is trying to lose weight...but does anyone have any specific goals? Clean eating? Size/weight? Event? Medical reasons?

I know when I started my goals were to fit in my goal jeans (old pair of my sister'a size 12), run a 5 k and be able to haul both of my kids up the hill at the zoo without feeling like I was dying. I'm 2 for 3 with the last one scheduled. My 5k is next month (mini heart 5k in Cincinnati) and my goal jeans are now too big!!


  • I've been doing short term goals to achieve my long term. I've met my first short term goal which is to get into a new pair of jeans that I bought 2 sizes too small. Reached that goal yesterday. Next is a pair of black slacks that I can't button. After that I'll have a new one!! What a journey we're on! ☺
  • jfkk41
    jfkk41 Posts: 15 Member
    My goal is to hit 140lbs max. Then I will reevaluate from there. I'm going to add in rewards too. But, I will do the rewards in incriments by giving myself smaller goals until I achieve my bigger one.
  • seligcrystal
    seligcrystal Posts: 34 Member
    My first goal is to get below 200 (I'm at 219 now), start eating healthier and drinking more water. I am coaching my daughter's softball team, I want to be able to run there laps (home runs) with them and not be dying after the first lap.
  • My goal is to get back to my post surgery goal of 125. I'm currently at 143. I also want to tone up my muscles, I'm a bit flabby from losing so much weight!
  • My goal is to hit 140# and tone up. I am happy with my clothing size but not happy with muffin top or flabbiness. Im sure size will go down some more and that's fine but most of all I want to tighten up and drop my BMI
  • RhondaKayH70
    RhondaKayH70 Posts: 2 Member
    I want to get down to under 160#. This is where I was at 5 years ago before I had H1N1 and pneumonia. Since then I have asthma and get pneumonia very easily. I have to use a couple different inhalers along with other meds. These meds have steroids in them and I have gained weight ever since I began needing them.
  • antshellie
    antshellie Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to get to 150lbs. But mostly I just want to be healthier. My doctor told me my last visit that I was a controlled diabetic. I go back in April and would love to have a significant loss by then. I set low weight goals (10 lb increments) for myself.
  • jfkk41
    jfkk41 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm glad we started this post. Talking about our goals and knowing there are so many of us trying to get to that same place it will help keep us motivated to achieve the goals we set.
  • ksmith020682
    ksmith020682 Posts: 6 Member
    5 years ago I went from 189lb to 154lb, size 16-18 to 10-12. My journey came to a standstill when my aunt was diagnosed with colon cancer, then I had a few episodes of bulging discs pressing on my sciatica to the extent that I couldn't walk and was off work for 2-4 weeks each time. My back pain is under control but now I have undiagnosed foot pain that makes it hard to workout. My ultimate goal is to get to 150lbs so that I can fit back into my jeans and dress pants and to get healthy. I plan on setting smaller goals of 5lb, when I meet that increase by another 5lb to 10lb until I get to my goal and then reevaluate.
  • meboudreaux
    meboudreaux Posts: 4 Member
    I just want my husband to look at me the way he did 10 years ago. So my long term is to lose 100 pounds. My short terms are daily and that is to just say no to crap food. I started about 45 days ago but had a major set back when my son went into the hospital. Lucky I didn't gain a pound, because if I would have i think I would have just given up again. Day 2 take 2, hasn't been the best but one day at a time. Right now I just need to relearn the good habits I learned. Being athletic all your life then becoming obese with in 5 years takes a heavy mental toll.
  • My goal is to be be able to shop in any store!
  • cwdurbin
    cwdurbin Posts: 4 Member
    That was one of mine! It's an a awesome feeling!!!