Milestone 6: day 60, 3/11/2015

danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
Good morning everyone :)
It's time for yet another milestone for us! Time flies by and we are all better for it: gaining knowledge, shedding fat and having fun!!!
Yesterday was very enjoyable and I even got to play laser tag :) good with protein, water, sleep while going out for dinner.
This milestone in reporting a gain but I'm thrilled it's better than yesterday.
Gym day today so time to beast out :)
Have a fabulous day everyone!!


  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Good morning! Laser tag sounds like a blast and you are killing it at the gym Danelutza!
    I reported a tiny gain. I seem to have an attachment to this one pound which I have gained and lost repeatedly for the last few weeks. Very discouraging as I am 3 lbs away from that magic number I wanted to see before I go away (in 12 more sleeps lol). Overall I am pleased with my weight I just so wanted to get to that 105.
    Met my goals yesterday despite a very stressful day at the office, and my FitBit crapping out and won't update to the web anymore :'( So will be a little harder to calculate my exercise calories.
    But I had a great workout last night and was over by like 40 calories or so.
    Todays goals:
    stay on target for calories
    drink water
    morning dvd - done
    evening workout with hubby at home

    Happy Hump Day!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Happy milestone day!!

    I've been in training all day and couldn't get on before now. However, I did hit my goals yesterday!

    My weight went down a little bit today for the milestone weigh in, but its still higher than it was last week. I'm not really sure why, but its probably a mix of doing some estimating at parties this weekend and I started a new birth control pill this week. Hopefully, with a little patience, it'll all sort itself out.

    Goals for today:
    1. stay within calories
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. rest day!!
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    I have not been on her for almost a week. gained, but knew would. just glad it was not as much as I thought it would be. As the weather is warming, I will start getting in my walks. Just need to work on getting better sleep. My sleep last night was only 85%. So my goal for tonight is to try to get a better quality of sleep.
  • awhitley
    awhitley Posts: 64 Member
    Dentist appointment yesterday left one side of my face numb for over 3 hours. My calories were so low, I treated myself to a milkshake for dinner. After all, I had just endured the dentist so I figured I deserved a treat! I did not make my step goal or get my walk in as I got home late and couldn't seem to talk myself into doing anything but sit.

    Going to try again today...
    1) stay within my calories
    2) walk (hoping to get outside before it rains)
    3)10,000 steps

    Happy Wednesday!
  • Pandathon
    Pandathon Posts: 41 Member
    Haven't been around much lately but still here! So I ran the Half Marathon in Paris last sunday: awesome race with a beautiful near-spring weather. I ran the 21.1k in exactly 2 hours, not really a world record but still very happy to make it to the finish line without stopping and it's all that counts for my first go on the distance! I gained slightly since last weigh-in but still lost fat according to my fitbit Aria so nothing to worry about. Hovering around my goal weight and not really sure if I wan't / need to push further for now or just maintain. Keep it up everyone!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'm up a bit also, within my current fluctuating maintenance range, but I hope to start losing by the next milestone.

    Congrats on the Paris Half! I'm running a half this Saturday, and am not properly trained at all (my idea that it would force me to run in the cold and snow or at least do long treadmill sessions was not well thought-out). I ran 8.5 miles last night and felt good, so figure I can finish it, but will be treating it as a long slow training run and accepting that I won't beat my own PR of last November.
  • Pandathon
    Pandathon Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Lemurcat, you're gonna be fine! Just rest until saturday now. I actually did part of my training at the pool after going through a foot injury in january and part of february. Longest I ran at training was about 9 miles, and cross-trained at the gym a bit too. Wasn't at my best for the big day but still enjoyed it. Hope to do better in Amsterdam later this year :)
    Go get'em!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Thanks! That's really encouraging. One reason I haven't been running is that I have been doing lots of biking, so hoping that carries me through.