3/15 Day 28 Sunday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
  Good Morning, Everyone! How is are you all? Today’s challenge is homeage to me trying to make breakfast out of the sparse stuff in my fridge...
  Today’s Challenge: Clean out the fridge!
  I need to get groceries but man there is stuff that is in the back of the fridge that I forgot that it was there! It has gotta go! Plus it will give me a chance to get rid of the tempting stuff or at least move it out of sight!
  What did you find in your fridge that surprised you?


  • mirandaa1985
    mirandaa1985 Posts: 37 Member
    I actually did this yesterday woohoo! I found leftover vegetable soup...that I made 2 weeks ago. Yuck. I also designated and labeled a bin for my smoothie ingredients. Now maybe the kids will stick to the fruits and veggies prepared for them in their snack bin instead of raiding my stuff that isn't cut up as well.
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    I so need to do this! But, I'm going to hold off until next Friday when my trash guy comes :)
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Definitely gonna do this when I get home.
  • turquoise_tiger
    guys i had like 5 muffins that i made..2 weeks ago. they must have tasted pretty bad if they were still there x)
  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    My sons smoothie from the start of the week way in the back of the fridge - so nasty
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    We do this for dinner ever so often. Tonight it was taco stuff, chicken express, sloppy joes, baked potatoes.
  • spankme726942
    spankme726942 Posts: 7 Member
    I found out I gotta do this more often and that I really dont have much food as I thought I did
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    There was a bunch of stuff in the bottom of the fridge that surprised me that I had it! The main thing that grossed me out was this old thing of juice in the back. It was way old....Need to do this more often!
  • gwynnk33tso
    Plan on getting this done tonight. Trash pick up tomorrow and the kids are home for Spring Break. They need to learn to live healthier too!
  • Missythebeautiful1
    I accomplished this challenge and found week old veggie delights, salads, potatoes and week old taco meat. Fridge has been cleaned out.