is this normal?

lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
Okay I'm 6 months post op and now weigh 153lbs. I haven't been doing good with the protein shake and vitamins like I should. I know I'm going to change that. The protein shakes are my biggest struggle. They all make me sick to my stomach. So ever since surgery if I bend over, get up from sitting/laying everything blacks out and I have to stand there a few seconds before the blackness slowly goes away. I work out and eat good just not good with the other important parts. I see my surgeon for post op check up tomorrow. Do you think this is related to defeciency with vitamins and proteins or another underlying issue? TIA


  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    I will add the blackouts don't happen everytime I do one of these things, but do happen every day.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    Are you eating enough? Please call your Dr. This is not normal, make sure you get your vitamins and eat something, you didn't state your start weight. How much have you lost? Tomorrow please call the dr. And get their opinion
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    Thank you. My start weight was 215 so I've not lost a ton just in the 60ish range (I'm 5 ft tall). I'm eating enough some of the time. Others I'm eating less than I'm allowed like at work because I don't have time there. I just didn't know if this could be related to me not doing what I'm supposed to be doing with my vitamins and protein shake. I do, do my monthly b12 injection, but I'm usually exhausted all of the time. I run about 10 miles a week & walk more than 10 miles weekly.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Sounds like it could be orthostatic hypotension. Are you taking any blood pressure meds? Are you drinking enough? Don't worry about the shakes, you don't need them, just get your protein in with food. Definitely do better with the vitamins, you don't want to have any deficiencies. Talk with your doctor and have them check you out. Have you had blood work recently?
  • thin2be2013
    thin2be2013 Posts: 49 Member
    I have had the same thing happen to me during my surgeon told me it was not enough fluid intake. Please let us know what your physician say's......very important to follow their guidelines. Once I upped my fluid intake my episodes subsided....but I was taking all my required vitamins.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I had the same issue after I had lost about 75 pounds. I needed to reduce the BP meds. Then after another 50 pounds off I had to stop taking them altogether. Talk to your doctor, you might need a med adjustment.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    I am hoping that all is well, thanks for posting and asking, sharing things like this is very important to all of us! I have never been on medication for BP so I can't comment on that but it does sound like that could be the issue. You are getting plenty of exercise in and you need to replace the sweating with water.
  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I am on BP meds and the dr warned me to watch for these symptoms as I may be able to get off the meds as I lose weight and exercise. I also know it could be signs of not enough fluids. For sure, address this with your doctor.
  • mae7365
    mae7365 Posts: 66 Member
    lbrown1428 wrote: »
    Okay I'm 6 months post op and now weigh 153lbs. I haven't been doing good with the protein shake and vitamins like I should. I know I'm going to change that. The protein shakes are my biggest struggle. They all make me sick to my stomach. So ever since surgery if I bend over, get up from sitting/laying everything blacks out and I have to stand there a few seconds before the blackness slowly goes away. I work out and eat good just not good with the other important parts. I see my surgeon for post op check up tomorrow. Do you think this is related to defeciency with vitamins and proteins or another underlying issue? TIA

    I finally found a protein shake that I love. It's Syntrax Matrix sold at
    I bought the Cookies & Cream and Mint Cookie. I love them. I make my shake with 4 oz. vanilla almond milk and 4 ozs water. They have 23 grams of protein and 140 calories.
    I found an online coupon for $10 off and they arrived at my door in two days. Give them a try as it sounds like you are not getting enough nutrients.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    edited March 2015
    Agree with orthostatic hypotension. I get it sometimes now and it was worse early on after surgery due to slight dehydration. (Funny 'cause high BP even on 3 meds was a primary co-morbidity for me). Check your BP. Make sure you're WELL hydrated and add some G2 or other electrolyte beverage to your fluid intake. If that doesn't help see a doc!

    Oh, and your protein can come from bars if you like! Quest is proabably the best nutritional bang for your calorie buck, but I like the taste\texture of PowerCrunch best. Tastes of chocolate wafer cookie!
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks for the info. I have never had high blood pressure in my life even at my heaviest wright between 230's-240 lbs. My blood pressure has always been 120 or lower over 60-70 the highest. I so haven't been on any medications for anything even before surgery. They checked my resting blood pressure today at the surgeons office and it was 92/64 so a little low. They think it'd from being dehydrated, malnourished, and being vitamin defecient. They told me to up the fluids and take the vitamins and protein shakes and see if that help, but they want me to have my blood pressure checked again soon.
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    They also did some blood work to check a few things.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    Orthostatic hypotension-- yup. Happens to me frequently. Did not know it was related to dehydration- will be sure to increase my fluid intake!
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Having it be related to dehydration makes a lot of sense. I had it happen a bunch as I was losing weight rapidly, but it is much less frequent now. Where it happens most is at Church on Sundays. Typically, our house is a get up, get ready and go on Sunday mornings so I never have any food or drink in me. The stand up/sit down/stand up routine gets me light headed for about 10 seconds on most of the stand ups. I will try having a glass of water prior to mass this week and see if I notice a difference.
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    lbrown1428 wrote: »
    Okay I'm 6 months post op and now weigh 153lbs. I haven't been doing good with the protein shake and vitamins like I should. I know I'm going to change that. The protein shakes are my biggest struggle. They all make me sick to my stomach. So ever since surgery if I bend over, get up from sitting/laying everything blacks out and I have to stand there a few seconds before the blackness slowly goes away. I work out and eat good just not good with the other important parts. I see my surgeon for post op check up tomorrow. Do you think this is related to defeciency with vitamins and proteins or another underlying issue? TIA

    This is usually the lack of water

    Randy RN (registered nurse)
  • jkern9110
    jkern9110 Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I, too, have these episodes where things go dark after standing up. I thought it was maybe because I had been sitting too long and didn't give it too much attention. I'll definitely pay attention to my fluid intake more and see if they subside. Again, thank you :)
  • lbrown1428
    lbrown1428 Posts: 116 Member
    Yes they thinks it's all things combined I haven't been doing correctly. I had an annual at the gyno today and my blood pressure is 92/54 here. Trying to up the fluids and get everything in I'm supposed to.