Why recovering/staying recovered is important to me (aka this week's challenge!!)

Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
So I think having reasons why recovery is important to you (beyond the obvious health implications of EDs) can really help with staying focussed at those times when you are struggling. Like things that you want to be able to do with your life that you know won't be possible if you let the ED take over. When that voice is telling you not to eat, or to binge, or to binge and purge, or to over-exercise, ask yourself if giving into that will help you achieve what you want out of life. Try to make them about yourself, rather than other people (so while not wanting to disappoint others is noble, it's like an alcoholic giving up booze for someone else, ain't gonna work). So yeah, there's more self love involved again this week!

For me:
I don't want to be bat *kitten* crazy. I have enough issues with depression and anxiety as it is (I actually manage them pretty well for the most part, but y'know, sometimes your brain chemistry goes all whackadoodle anyway), and I know being in the grips of ED makes it a billion times worse.

I need energy to do my job. Kind of important for paying the rent, but also because I love what I do. It requires both physical strength and mental clarity. When I'm not getting enough nutrition I'm tired and I can't think straight.

I deserve to be a happy, healthy person, and that starts with treating myself well.



  • MacCroc
    MacCroc Posts: 50 Member
    So many things.
    To live a normal life without having to stay at home because I overate and feel disgusting.
    To look at myself in the mirror and like what I see even when I put on a few pounds.
    To not let my mood be defined by what I eat.
    Avoid terrible mood swings which drive people away.
    Have life goals other that weight loss and be able to work on them.

    I think I could go on forever, but those are the main reasons.
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    MacCroc....thank you so much for that list. I had forgotten a few of those like not wanting to go outside and being defined by what I eat. These are great reminders.
  • MacCroc
    MacCroc Posts: 50 Member

    @minipony, I think those are the main things for me. I've been doing pretty well for the last 6 month and it's insanely liberating, it's like I have twice more mental energy left if I don't spend all my time obsessing about those things.
    What's your list? :)
  • alskarani
    alskarani Posts: 83
    One of the big reasons I want to recover is that "creative play" for me happens in the kitchen. I love throwing things together, playing with flavors, improvising, etc. I want to have my life revolve around this; I want to be a food writer, whether that's for a magazine or a blog.

    Recently, I've come up with a plan and encountered an opportunity that might just be staring me in the face, ready to be taken...but I can't cook when I'm like this. All of that creativity and joy disappears. :(

    So, I want to recover so I can be happy enough to pursue what I love!
  • minipony
    minipony Posts: 194 Member
    I love that Alskarani. I kind of confused what I want. I want to have the freedom from my mind to not think about food and exercise all day, but I can't let go of the image that I strive to live up to and keep. Every time I loosen up, I go overboard in the opposite direction. To be honest, moderation is hardest. I've always been kind of an all or nothing gal. I'm also confused because sometimes I'll get feedback that I'm too thin and then I feel embarrassed from that. However, if I gain weight I feel embarrassed about that. I'm training to become certified in an exercise class called RIPPED and my trainer said to me the other day, "I think you've lost some weight lately." "You should eat....." and I'm sure you all know the rest of the conversation. I just nodded my head and said "ah ha, ya, ok, I'll do that." In my mind, I wanted to run out of the exercise room and cover my body. Now I'm nervous to see her again. What if I still don't look like what she thinks I should look like?
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Well being certified in that class sounds like a good reason for recovery to me!! You want to promote good health and fitness to others, right? Can't do that if you're not healthy yourself ;)

    A - I look forward to reading your food blog :). And to you sharing delicious recipes with us once you are back in the kitchen creating!!