Back-to-back Marathons?

STrooper Posts: 659 Member
I have resumed training after taking a 3-week break (after realizing I had been in some sort of training/maintenance for more than a year), have seen good progress in my full and half-marathon times.

I find the half-marathon distance "easy" now. but I do run a mix of half-and full marathons. I have run some of the shorter races on back-to-back weekends.

I have an opportunity to run two marathons on back-to-back weekends in February (my current training scheduled is timed to the second one). Both are on the South Carolina coast and are flat courses (compared to my training grounds which incorporate between 1,000 to 2,000 vertical feet of climbing in the mid-to-long distance runs).

One of my running friends and co-worker thinks I've become a strong enough runner and run enough miles per week to accomplish this with the caveat that one should be run "easy" and the other one as a PR goal race.


Note: I will cross-post this.


  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Sorry for late response for some reason I haven't been able to get into the community for a few months.
    Anyway- have you ever run long distances that close together? I know some who do it and say it's not way on the body but can be done. Maybe try se long runs back to back training and see how iu feel?
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    Well, as a very late reply. I did it and found the wall on the first one at Mile 23. I took it easy (until mile 23) and ran a PR in poor conditions (cold and windy). It was actually training back up for a third marathon in April that injured me.