
emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
How did everyone go? I found it less *kitten* than I was expecting. I thought I would get to about 5 mins and decide to rest for the last three!!! But I paced well and got through it. I did scaled, hspu are a while away for me yet (but a goal) and I did 80 reps. I am along way from good but I really enjoyed this workout. But I am sore today!

Everyone at my box are saying box jumps, burpees and thrusters may come up in 15.5. Sounds pretty dreadful if you ask me :smile:


  • leahkite
    leahkite Posts: 47 Member
    Oh. My. Traps. 76 scaled, my cleans need some work; they aren't nearly as smooth as they need to be!
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    I did scaled. 70 reps. Not real proud of it
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    edited March 2015
    But my baby girl got her first HSPU at the age of NINE!
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    edited March 2015
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sorry, tried to post the vid of it. I guess I can't.
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Didn't mind this one. Would have liked more reps as this (the scaled version anyway) is the sort of WOD I'm made for. Got 82
  • Didn't like the new standard for HSPUs. Really made a difference for me. Had to move hands closer together and closer to wall. 35 reps RX.
  • ashlando
    ashlando Posts: 125 Member
    We only train strict HSPU in my box. Of course, come competition time when kipping is allowed, I have no clue how to do it. The coaches tried to teach us but in 10 minutes, it is next to impossible. I'm already not super comfortable upside down, so I resolved myself to doing this scaled.

    106 reps.

    My traps are FRIED!
  • Aviation21
    Aviation21 Posts: 154 Member
    I did RX Masters 65 Reps, afterwards I felt I could have done more but I was afraid of failing early and just staring at the barbell the last 2 minutes. I also noticed a few strange responses from folks when I told them I did RX Masters which was the same rep count as RX except the Masters was 95 lbs push press like scaled. Should I feel bad for doing the Masters? Hell it was my birthday last Saturday at the open and I turned 56... yes I know how to celebrate my birthday... LOL!
  • StephaniePaige1020
    StephaniePaige1020 Posts: 14 Member
    My seven year old banged out all kinds of HSPU, but she's tiny and a gymnast LOL. I did it scaled and got 105, which was the highest scaled female in my box, so I'll take it!
  • kwoww9797
    kwoww9797 Posts: 29 Member
    Great Job Everyone! I completed scaled and got 55. I am still working on lifting heavy weights and just started cleaning 75# and push pressing 65# a week or two ago. I wish I was stronger and could do better, but I'm okay now with what I got. I was crying after the WOD; not from pain, but from disappointment in myself. I can't wait for 15.5 to be over!
  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    edited March 2015
    I got 19 reps RX. I have never done rx hspu in a WOD so this was a PR for me. The standard made it super tough because my hands had to be a little narrower than I'm used to get my heels over the line. I had a bunch of no reps for not getting above the line even though I was locked out, I do like the new hspu standard though, much better than people going super wide with their hands and move like 3 inches up and down.

    I do wish the cleans would've went up in same ladder as the hspu, but I guess that's not what dave castro wanted to test :smiley:
  • phnomnl1
    phnomnl1 Posts: 1 Member
    103 scaled. That wod was my jam but next year would love to have Rx HSPUs!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Scaled 73, and I did it last minute last night. Several people had told me to pace myself so I did, doing 5 reps at a time. If I did it again I think I'd get into the mid 80s and push a little harder.
  • abaldi0506
    abaldi0506 Posts: 78 Member
    Scaled 70. Our box had us use 1 bar and switch weights in between lifts (add/remove the 10#). Owner thought it would be fair for the busier classes that didn't have enough bars for 2 bars/person. wasn't happy but I'm new. I don't think it impacted me too much, I may have gotten a few more reps in though.
  • ahemming1
    ahemming1 Posts: 93 Member
    51 RX. HSPUs are one of my favorites.
  • kozinskey
    kozinskey Posts: 176 Member
    abaldi0506 wrote: »
    Scaled 70. Our box had us use 1 bar and switch weights in between lifts (add/remove the 10#). Owner thought it would be fair for the busier classes that didn't have enough bars for 2 bars/person. wasn't happy but I'm new. I don't think it impacted me too much, I may have gotten a few more reps in though.

    That's nuts! It was only 8 minutes, they couldn't have you guys go in heats instead to save bars?
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    kozinskey wrote: »
    abaldi0506 wrote: »
    Scaled 70. Our box had us use 1 bar and switch weights in between lifts (add/remove the 10#). Owner thought it would be fair for the busier classes that didn't have enough bars for 2 bars/person. wasn't happy but I'm new. I don't think it impacted me too much, I may have gotten a few more reps in though.

    That's nuts! It was only 8 minutes, they couldn't have you guys go in heats instead to save bars?

    I agree! We go in heats and judge each other...three heats per class, or one heat every 15-18 minutes. Sucks. :-(
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    Oh, and I got 38 reps Rx for this one. I was pissed because I wanted to get back to the bar for another clean, but I didn't strategize well. I should have come off the wall a little more often before I failed a rep. I think I failed 3-4 reps, which led to the time I wasted. 125lbs is close to my 1RM, so that was tough...but really it's just that when your shoulders are gone? They're gone. haha
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    59 rx. Loved that one!