I need an accountabilibuddy.

I don't have anyone in my circle that can share in the commitment and dedication required to succeed in a healthy lifestyle.
If your in the same boat please let me know. Just looking for someone to swap daily meal logs with and offer praise and suggestions when we are on track and blunt criticism when we are not.


  • lizrn2008
    lizrn2008 Posts: 13
    I might just be able to help...

    What are your nutrition goals and what type of physical activity are you into? I aim for high protein, low-surgar and low-fat foods; I enjoy running and some crossfit-type exercise. I also connect with friends on 2 aps: Strava and FitStar. Both aps also connect to myfitnesspal. I'm up and down with physical activity and wouldn't mind an accountabilibuddy myself!

    I should warn you... I'm an emergency room nurse, so blunt criticism is an easy task for me :smile: add me as a friend if you think I can help you out
  • bradleyoliff
    bradleyoliff Posts: 6 Member
    I'm an Army Combat Medic, we speak the same language. Nutrition goals, get back down to 135. That means less than 25 grams fat alot of protein and just enough carbs to fuel me without storing any. I'm at 1500 cal a day and burning 300 to 400 with exercise. I keep going over 200 or so without noticing so I'm not maximizing my losses. I'm a late night snacker, that's my downfall. I really need to commit to this, I don't have a choice. It's important to me. I exercise 6 days a week no fail, some days more than others. I enjoy everything physical and try to mix it up and experience new things. Crossfit, p90x, power lifting, spin, and endurance running. I've got a good base just need a push to take it to the next level. I would love to be your accountabilibuddy if you'll have me.
  • FitWithVic
    FitWithVic Posts: 65 Member
    I'm on mfp every day, I log my food diary 100% about 80% of the time at weekends I'm more laid back, my food diary is open, currently doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution I'm on week 3 and follow ITFYM, I'm guilty of not following through with my fitness/food plans when I don't see quick enough progress but today I made a mental breakthrough that what I am doing is working so I just need to learn some patience! Anyone with positive criticism feel free to add me!
  • olivebeanhealthy
    olivebeanhealthy Posts: 127 Member
    I'm just getting back into MFP, and would welcome another buddy on here. I'm on day 5 with no sugar - added sweeteners are always what triggers me off track. Low carb curious but not there every day. I'm fairly decent at logging.
  • SkinnyNicole86
    SkinnyNicole86 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello everybody :) my name is Nicole. I am 5'6" and currently 150 ish lbs (I've lost about 15lbs so far) I'm wanting to get down to 130-135 lbs, at least to start. My main goal right now is that I'm wanting to tone up. I do have a fitbit linked to MFP and I log 15,000-25,000 steps daily through that and I focus on doing the gym at least 4 times per week plus alot of Walks. My MFP streak is almost to 100! :) I consider myself quite active and I also don't eat back nearly any of my calories earned through exercise. Everyone can feel free to add me, I can also use the extra support and motivation and I'm always on and willing to help others! :)
  • lps1dragonfly
    lps1dragonfly Posts: 111 Member
    Late to this post! I also need accountability! I slack bad come evenings. I'm on MFP daily and tend to not complete (as of late MFP isn't letting me complete diaries but whatever; it doesn't do negative adjustments for me either). all of you can add me if you'd like!
  • Jordan_Demelo77
    Jordan_Demelo77 Posts: 13 Member
    I also need some criticism for when I fall back! I sent a request