Daily Report 2015-03-23

Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
Morning Everyone!

It looks like everyone had a fun weekend swimming, resting, and even celebrating birthdays. My weekend was pretty relaxed as well (sort of). My husband and I got a new dog for his grandfather Saturday, he's a cute little thing too. After picking up the dog and getting him used to our yard, I shot my bow for a bit and I have to say that my strength training has been paying off cause it was nothing pulling back 40lbs for five rounds (3 shots = 1 round). And the groupings were pretty tight too. Then Sunday we got up got up early to drive about two hours to take the dog to his new home, sleeping in my lap the entire way up there, and I think he really liked it.....especially the cows lol. After getting home, we went for a bike ride/hike just listening for some turkeys, seeing if we could hear anything (we didn't) and then we went home and watched The Walking Dead until about 10pm.

Today I've got most of my meals (sort of) planned out, dinner is iffy at the moment, I'm thinking I might pick up some steaks at my local grocery store but I'm still debating it. Going to run for a bit this afternoon and then do a 30min. circuit afterwards. Then I'll probably pig out and watch some more Walking Dead lol.



Have a good day everyone, can't wait to hear from ya'll.

~ Kris


  • scrapbookingtm
    scrapbookingtm Posts: 1,916 Member
    That sounds like a great weekend Kris. I have never shot a bow.

    I just got back from hiking....in the rain and hail and then the sun came out! Only 4 hours, my husband got called into work, so run we did down the mountain (being careful to not slip in the mud) I need to bathe the dog before I can enjoy a hot bath for myself.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

    Believing in yourself is the first secret to success.

  • SRJennings
    SRJennings Posts: 126 Member
    I ended up with an unplanned rest day. Not really an issue of a time crunch more of an energy and mental block. But I'll be back in the pool tomorrow morning and looking forward to the temperature rising later in the week and maybe a walk outside!
    Take care
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Still resting today.

    I still have tension in my neck but I hope tomorow I'll be fine to get back to workout !

    See you all tomorow !
  • HealthyBella403
    HealthyBella403 Posts: 64 Member
    @Mrsallen6_11‌ congrats on staying so active!

    @scrapbookingtm‌ way to get moving with your husband! It's always more fun with a workout buddy:)

    @SRJennings‌ you're keeping such a positive attitude, I love it!

    @Isabelle‌ sorry to hear about your neck. Definitely rest so you don't strain it too much!

    Today was a so-so day for me. I ended up walking to work, cheated a bit carb-wise with my diet, but quickly got back on track. I'm off now to a tae kwon do training sesh, so I'll see you guys tomorrow!

  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Swam two miles today.3-23-15