3/24 Day 36 Tuesday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
  We need more positive energy in our world. Everyone seems to trudge along in their own little world and often fail to notice that there are other people out there, Some people may be having a worse day than you and a small act of kindness can go a long way to turning their frowns upside-down.
  Today’s Challenge: Go up to a random stranger and genuinely tell them to have a good day.
  Even though it is small...It will probably make their day and your small act may inspire them to do the same!
  Good luck!


  • amajors
    amajors Posts: 3
    Hi All, I'm new to the group. Just joined this morning. I'm really excited to get started on the challenges.
  • vwolfe707
    vwolfe707 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this group this morning also! I'm so excited!
  • kaylaawillis
    kaylaawillis Posts: 6 Member
    Completed. Not sure if it made a difference to the other person, but it made me feel good. Not something I would normally do being quite reserved.
  • Wow awesome challenge, really. have a good day man ;)
  • Breken2022
    Breken2022 Posts: 2 Member
    Done...not new to this site but restarting again after a horrific winter.
  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    I usually try to be very positive, because you never know who's day you might brighten just by smiling and being kind. So while I didn't say "have a good day" any more than I normally would have, I did think about whether I was letting my stress take control of me during the day.
  • Just joined this group. Looking forward to the challenges. I will try this one tomorrow.