3/25 Day 37 Tuesday

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
  Ugh....TV can be so distracting...I’ll sit down for a few minutes and watch something and poof! My whole day is gone. With not a lot getting accomplished....
  Today’s Challenge: 1 less hour of TV
I need to get stuff done and I will not allow to have TV be my excuse!


  • craftscout
    craftscout Posts: 290 Member
    Ummm, I think I'm out for this one. The only time I watch tv anymore is to spend time relaxing with my husband.

    Getting on the Internet, however. . . ;)
  • riveragirl15
    riveragirl15 Posts: 48 Member
    What day is today? lol
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I rarely watch tv now, barely once a week for a couple of hours. Mostly only do when I'm at the gym and even then its just watching as I listen to my music.
  • bostrander5
    bostrander5 Posts: 11 Member
    Auna37 wrote: »
      Ugh....TV can be so distracting...I’ll sit down for a few minutes and watch something and poof! My whole day is gone. With not a lot getting accomplished....
      Today’s Challenge: 1 less hour of TV
    I need to get stuff done and I will not allow to have TV be my excuse!

    I have sort of the same problem. I tend to get on the computer first thing in the morning with my coffee and hours can go by. There is really not much I really do on the computer but check facebook updates and check my emails. I have no motivation to do anything. Hate cold weather so we don't go out and looking at one more thing to clean in my house will drive me insane! So tired of cleaning for no reason....house doesn't truly need cleaning at this point of the season
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    I usually only watch an hour or so after work, so tonight I will do something else. No biggie for me, since I'm watching Netflix anyway. Nothing real-time to miss out on. :)
  • Juskiyah
    Juskiyah Posts: 19 Member
    I did it! I cleaned up around the house instead of being lazy and watching TV. Actually did 1 1/2 hrs... Yay me lol
  • Breken2022
    Breken2022 Posts: 2 Member
    Done..i actually was without a tv for months..just got a new one..but found i am much more pickier about what i watch and dont need it on the whole time i am home. A book is just as good.
  • kaylaawillis
    kaylaawillis Posts: 6 Member
    Done. This was an easy one for me today. I was writing exams and had no time for tv. When I got home, I did go on my computer for a bit though...