Breastfeeding and NOT Losing Any Weight

I am 11 weeks postpartum (yesterday) and I've stopped losing weight at 3 weeks PP. I still have a good 20-30lbs to lose, but only about 8-10lbs left from pregnancy. I cannot seem to get this weight off and in fact, I feel heavier and wider than I did 1 week PP. How is that??

I EBF, so no supplementation here -- and I've had a history of low supply, so limited my caloric intake is not an option as I will not risk losing my supply.

This is baby #4 for me. We are officially done having kids, so I am ready to get my body back. 3 years ago I was able to lose 50lbs in 9 months, but I wasn't nursing. I want that body back! I was the fittest I had ever been. Muscle tone in my arms and thighs are just about gone and we're not even going to get started on my stomach :neutral_face:

Anyhow, I am looking for other PP mom's that may or may not be nursing that want to be friends and hold each other accountable and even motivate one another.

Anyone interested??

Pre-PGW: 148
CW: 160
GW: 135
H: 5'5



  • Hi Krystal! I'm 6 months postpartum with twins and want to lose about 20lbs, 10 of which are from pregnancy. I'm nursing and also "stuck" where I am. I'm 155 and want to get to 135, my college weight. My appetite is still just really strong. I would love to hold each other accountable with some type of regular check in!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    edited March 2015
    Feel free to add me, too! I'm almost 6 months post-partum, EBF, and losing very slowly! lol I know my metabolism is a bit slower since I"m in my 30's, but I got stalled out after losing the first 20 and gained almost 10 back over Christmas! (of my 55lbs pregnancy gain!!! )
    I got serious with food choices on New Years and have dropped 20 (32lbs total). Still have 23 to pre-pregnancy weight and 10-15 beyond that to get to where I was before quitting smoking almost 2 years ago. (I only did it for a year while my husband was deployed, but gained 15lbs when he got back and I quit).

    Pre-preg: 145
    Current: 168
    Goal: 130-135

    I believe in a whole foods diet, rich in saturated fats like butter, coconut oil, bacon, avocado, etc. I'm not tracking right now, but when I was, I was eating 2000-2400 cals daily, depending on exercise. I definitely don't restrict calories. I just try to drink close to a gallon of water and limit snacking. I usually have a giant cucumber/avocado salad every day, too, when I feel the need to chow down on something! lol I've been losing, albeit slowly, and no issues with supply. In fact, I donate milk! (extra calorie burn! ;) ) This is my 3rd child and usually it does take me about a year to get back to normal. (I always gain a lot in my pregnancies, but have always been able to lose it).
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Add me! I had my 3rd in January and it seems like I always ends up at the same weight after I have them. I have to exercise and count calories to lose. I thought it'd be effortless this time because I am nursing my baby and 2 year old. No such luck!
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I had #3 in January and lost almost 20 lbs in the first two weeks. I've gained 5 lbs back since :'(

    When I had #1, I walked, did a DVD a few times a week and ate normal. The 50 lbs I gained was gone within 6 months and only the last little bit was tough.

    With #2, I joined a gym at 6 months post partum to get help in losing the last 10 lbs but I did it.

    I gained about 20 lbs due to moving/stressful work before becoming pregnant again. Part of me didn't care because I figured I'd have no problems losing it after I delievered.

    This time, I'm eating too much. I'm starving all the time. I'm tired which leads to bad choices for eating. I know what I should do but I don't do it. I also find this one has extra stress -- 6 weeks early, 2 weeks in NICU, still in a grey zone for a metabolic disorder and are also still having jaundice issues.

    Pre-PGW: 140
    CW: 180
    GW: 140
    H: 5'4
  • pbishop70
    pbishop70 Posts: 8 Member
    Honestly, 11 weeks pp is nothing! I'm nearly 6 months pp (ebf) and the weight is still slowly coming off but I feel happy with where I'm at. Be easy on yourself, eat well, stay active and it will (slowly) come off!!
  • TMcChamp
    TMcChamp Posts: 165 Member
    I have a 9.5month old and it's o ly been since dropping day feeds and only feeding from 4pm to 8am and my period returned that I am able to lose weight. I've now lost 9.2kg in 8 weeks!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm EBF my 3 month old & I have actually gained weight! I just started bootcamp twice a week & watching my calories again.

    PP: 109lbs
    CW: 150lbs
    GW: 125lbs by Xmas
  • stritte14
    stritte14 Posts: 52 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I also had my third baby just before Christmas, have lost a good 30 lbs or so but still have 30 lbs to go to get me where I want to be (baby weight pretty much gone but had gained weight from a medication prior to getting preganent). I am EBF, trying to get to gym etc when can but just really struggle with food choices. Feel free to add me :-)
  • DreaEder
    DreaEder Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi! I am four weeks PP and in a similar situation...I was about 20 pounds overweight when I became pregnant, and then put on 39 pounds during my pregnancy. The first two weeks I lost 21 pounds but I still have 18 pounds to go to reach my prepregnancy weight and another 21 pounds to go to reach my goal weight (so I'm looking to lose another 39 pounds from where I am now. I am so frustrated because I'm still very early post c-section AND I'm breastfeeding so limiting calories and working out at this point is difficult. I feel like the weight is NEVER going to come off and I really miss my prepregnancy wardrobe!

    Prepregnancy weight: 166
    Ending Pregnancy weight: 205
    Current weight: 183
    Goal Weight: 145
  • XxMarciaxX
    XxMarciaxX Posts: 93 Member
    Hey im 2 weeks pp so not putting any pressure on myself just yet ! Just getting back into the swing of counting calories im ebf so cant limit to much i eat about 1800-2000 a day and have a good supply

    im just gonna take it one day at a time i'll be happy to lose half a pound every week x
  • mrice7
    mrice7 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I have a 15 week old, my first, EBF until I came back to work three weeks ago so now BF and pumping. I am ALWAYS hungry! I am hungier now than when I was pregnant. Before I got pregnant I ran a lot and did Insanity, I had some bad siatica and cramping while pregant and basically did nothing. Now it's time to get back into the swing of things but, I'm nervous that I'll hurt my supply (my friend started dieting and working out again and lost her supply). I have about 25lbs to lose to get my prebaby body back.
  • angie_momof3
    angie_momof3 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi there, I have a 8.5 month old and EBF. I have 2 older kids and have added an extra 10lbs with each child. This time, it was an extra 20lbs. I am ready to get to my goal weight of 130lbs. I started at the end of January and have lost 13lbs so far. I've been losing an average of 1lb a week with just eating healthier. I'm ready to start exercising to start losing a bit more now that my little guy is a bit older and not relying completely on my milk anymore. I want to be careful not to lose my supply so I'm taking it slow.

    Prepregnancy: 154lbs
    Ending pregnancy: 174lbs
    Current weight: 161lbs
    Goal weight: 130-140lbs

    Right now, I'm taking it one pound at a time and consider every 5lbs a milestone.