
hi im loesha, i have currently lost 9lb and am so happy ive found myfitnesspal, particularly the community is so helpful and inspiring. I have a small son and i put on alot of weight during and just after the pregnancy ( i used to be under 100lb :open_mouth: ) since then ive gone from 10stone (140) to 9stone 3 (128) and then back up again, lets hope this time i break that and keep on going!
Im studying at college to go on to midwifery at university next year. I love dancing, family days with my son and boyfriend.
What about you?


  • louiseyates1
    louiseyates1 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi. I'm Louise. I have lost 17lbs already but I'm 213 at the mo. Want to get down to 140ish and giving myself 1-1&1/2 years to do so.
    I have a 3 year old, a 7 month old and a fiancé. I am also self-employed and studying for my law degree (in my third year only 2 to go!)

    It's a tough slog and I shouldn't have let myself go so badly. But on the upside I managed a jog for the first time in 9 years yesterday for 30 mins so my fitness must be improving
  • buzzrio
    buzzrio Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join this group and give myself that extra motivation to stay on track this month. I'm 5'9" and currently 226lbs. I started using MFP at the beginning of the year, and my weight has fluctuated by a few pounds up and down since then. But last week, I started taking it more seriously, tracking everything (even the bad days) and upped the exercise, and I have to say, that week alone I have felt better in myself and with more energy from just eating better and moving more.

    My motivation for losing weight has focused more on my health, and whatever other benefits come along are an added bonus, but health and fitness are my main goals.

    I think my aim for this month would be to lose 8lbs, and to get into the habit of doing exercise at least 5 times a week, as currently it's between 3-4. I have a total of 66lbs to lose, so taking it in small stages is ideal for me as that number seems way to scary right now.

    Looking forward to seeing how everyone else is doing and to keep each other motivated. :smile:
  • sma002
    sma002 Posts: 4
    Hello, i am sarah. Actually i gained about 20 pounds in 4 months and this is crazy :'( i am 5' 7" , 196.5 lbs and i set a goal to lose 10 lbs this month i hope that we can motivate each other in this group to reach our goals
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Melissa and I am 26 years old and currently weigh 149 lbs. I will be graduating with my Bachelors in Hospitality Management with a minor business in MAY!!!.

    I have been on MFP for years! I originally lost almost 30 pounds and hit my goal weight of 125 pounds. I was working out 6 days a week, increased my endurance and was able to run 3 miles and turned vegetarian. I was in the best shape of my life. Then I decided to go back to college and that was the turning point. I gained back all my weight over the last two years because I got lazy, started coming up with excuses, and dealing with stress through drinking.

    I recently got married back in May to my high school sweetheart and I would like to have dropped down to 140 threshold by our one year anniversary May 18th.
    My goal for the April Challenge however is to lose 6 pounds, bringing me to 143 lbs.

    I have currently lost 2.2lbs since I started logging again last week. I have decided to work towards going gluten free (just for personal reasons, not health related) and I have been feeling really really great.

    I am excited about this journey we are all on, and I am happy we will have have each other!

  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Hi Everyone! And congrats Melissa, graduating is always a relief!

    My name is Jess, I'm 27 from the UK. I've gained between 30 and 40lbs in the past couple of years and I have decided enough is enough! So here I am. I currently weigh 137lbs, my goal weight (which isn't as low as my lowest weight before the gain) is 115lbs (I'm a short *kitten* too which doesn't help!).

    My confidence has taken a massive hit since the weight gain, to the stage where there have been times when I've bailed on nights out I was looking forward to because I can't bare to let anyone see how fat I've got, so the main reason I want to lose this weight is to get that confidence back.

    I have a fairly sedentary job, but do lots of walking around. I really want to get back into exercising properly, but I fractured my arm snowboarding a couple of weeks ago which is making it almost impossible which is SO FRSUTRATING! But hoping I will be able to incorporate something into my daily routine.

    Also, I'm very impatient and get disheartened if I don't see results quickly, which is why I need something like this and other people to remind me that it is not a quick and easy process, it's a lifestyle change and one I want to maintain, so nice to meet you all! Hope I can support you all too :)
  • jnmrie
    jnmrie Posts: 145 Member
    Hello! My name is Sam. I am 22 and from Florida. I started using MyFitnessPal early last month and have lost a total of 12 pounds so far, which puts me at 271 pounds. My first big goal is to reach 199 by New Years 2016 which is just under 2 pounds a week. I am taking this one day at a time. I would love to eventually get under 175 pounds, which was my weight when I was 10 years old. I also think that it would be miracle to fit in size 12 jeans, since I have never ever been able to wear under a 14.

    I have always been interested in fitness, even though I've never been able to complete a mile run. My interest began with my love of wrestling. I love everything about it. The athleticism, the physical ability, the technical ability, the high-flyers, the theatrics, the entertainment. Everything. In my fifth grade yearbook when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I said "WWF Hardcore Champion." I was inspired by women in the industry. But I knew I couldn't actually do it because I have never in my life been able to do anything athletic.

    But now, at age 22, I want it even more. I know that I'll never be a professional wrestler, but that doesn't mean I cannot learn or train. I want to be strong.

    My goal for April is to lose 8 pounds. This will bring my total loss to 20 pounds. It will also be what I weighed my freshman year of college.

  • francesca2334
    francesca2334 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Francesca :)

    I'm pretty new to this, I've lost weight previously and regained. My sw and cw is 154, I want to lose 2lbs a week, so my goal for April is to get from 154 to 146. I though this group might be a good way of staying accountable and getting some support :) my plan is to run/go to the gym at least five days a week, and to eat 1200 calories a day net. Good luck everyone!
  • runner115
    runner115 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm going for inches instead of pounds. I'm not sure how many is realistic, I just know the number needs to go down.
  • Hello Everybody! My name is Maddy and I just joined MFP to get back on track with my diet. I exercise quite a lot and my job, nursing, is active so food plans tend not to work for me because they have me eating too few calories and then I get really low (emotionally and energy-wise) and don't do as well in my workouts. In January, I switched to the evening shift (3-11pm) and since then I've gained 7 pounds. I'll be starting day shifts again on April 6th, so hopefully my body will feel like itself again. Anyways, my goal for the April Challenge is to lose 5 pounds, from 133 to 128. Good luck!

  • LoeshaElizabeth
    LoeshaElizabeth Posts: 96 Member
    So lovely to see everyone joining and motivating each other! don't forget to check the beginning goals section in announcements to fill out the beginning section. I will post a new discussion each week on the weigh in days for us to post our progress, whether any of our targets have been reached and how we felt. I will also try to post motivational sayings each day. I already had a little success today when i fitted into my size 10 jeans! looking forward to this month!
  • LoeshaElizabeth
    LoeshaElizabeth Posts: 96 Member
    oh and feel free to post anymore discussions for advice etc.
    feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Hi I'm Heather. I am 33 with two kids and husband, full time job and full time school. I gained a lot of weight when I started birth control before having any kiddos and now it has continued to increase...well until 1 year ago that is. After being up and down for years I lost 31 pounds last year and have kept every pound off, but I still have another 50 or so to go.

    I like to do anything with my kids, we play games, dance and goof off together. My April goal is 5 pounds, which is 10 % of what I need to loose. I plan to do this my eating better and moving more!!
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Hi, I'm Lieke. I'm 32. Married with one awesome daughter.

    I started gaining weight after I got married and with the exception of some periods of dieting, I've steadily gained weight over the last 11 years going from 135lb to 187lb.

    I've already lost the bulk of it last year and am looking at the last 10lb.
    Needing some extra motivation to keep it up.

    Will try for 5lb this month but realistically hoping for at least 2.5lb
  • hepeful
    hepeful Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen and this is my first day. I've heard of MFP but never gave it much consideration until this morning. I realized that I spend a great deal of my day making excuses and ignoring signs that my weight (237lb on a 5'2" frame) is a problem.

    I'm 44, married to a man that still makes my heart flip when I see him (after over 20 years). He's recently decided that he doesn't want to look like his dad and is working out. So he's totally on team "Karen". I have two boys (12 and 20). They want me healthy. One has offered to "train" me (the 12yr old) and the other wants to help me make better meal choices by helping out in the kitchen.

    So ... I'm really looking forward to this first challenge. I want to get out of the 230's and into the 220's, that means I'm looking at 8lb loss this month.
  • Milotic2015
    Milotic2015 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I'm Deb. I'll be 33 this April 3. I have a husband and a 5 yr old son. I gained 100 lbs when i was pregnant with my son. ( went from 160 to 260lbs.) Last summer I lost 20 lbs (went from 260 lbs to 240 lbs) Then i hit a plateau. I found myfitnesspal at the beginning of March and joined up. Since counting my calories i have lost 7 lbs and 3 inches from my waist. 1 inch from my butt, each thigh, and Bust. My CW is 233.6 and my GW for the end of April is to be between 228 lbs and 223 lbs. My ultimate GW is to be back at 160 lbs.

    I'm looking forward to this challenge and will push myself within reason.

    I'm currently doing the 30 day bodyweight squat challenge with my mom and the 30 day beginner Push-up challenge with my mom. After these to challenges we are planning on doing the 30 day plank challenge while keeping up with Squats and Push-ups 3 times a week.

    Look forward to working with you all.

    ~Deb aka Milotic
  • Kath713
    Kath713 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathleen. 35 yr old married female with 3 year old. I was on track losing weight a couple years ago before dealing with a series of family losses that rocked me totally off track with weight and other life things. I'm a counselor by profession and definitely learned the hard way that I needed to re-focus on my own wellness and use the tools I work on with others for myself (with the help of seeking grief counseling sessions for myself).

    Over the past few months, I've started to evaluate my over all wellness and a major part of that is weight loss. I've been doing well with my food diary over the past couple weeks and have noticed a big change in my mood and physically feeling better.

    My challenge for April will be to lose 10 pounds and exercise at least 3 times a week. I'm glad to have found a group for support and positive thoughts as we all work toward our goals!

  • lizzie6580
    lizzie6580 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all - my name's Elizabeth and I am 34 years old. I live in Lexington, Kentucky (USA) and work at the university here in town. I was on MFP last fall and had great success through about February and then I went crazy and decided to buy my first house. With the paperwork, multiple offers on houses, and contract negotiations, I just stopped logging. I close on my house this month, and have moved into the frantic packing stage. I figure packing, cleaning, and moving has to be good exercise, right? Anyway, my goal this month is to get back into logging my food, and to focus on protein and iron intake. If I do that, I know I will lose weight, but the the biggest thing for me is to get my food intake better in control and healthier. If I lose 4 pounds (starting at 207.8), I will consider it a success. Nice to meet you all!
  • ohcrumbss
    ohcrumbss Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Lizzie from the UK. I'm 19 and doing my first year of university. I've been dropping lbs reasonably slowly since December but struggled through March to lose so it's definitely time to make a proper commitment to the lifestyle. I would be very happy with a 5lb weight loss this month, as that would leave me only 5lbs from my goal weight of 126lbs!

    It's so great to have the support of everyone here on MFP, I am so inspired by all of your stories.
  • 2BVeggie
    2BVeggie Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, This board is a good idea young lady! I hope I can find it again. Not fitness pal site savvy. Feel free to contact me, so I find it again.

    Been struggling with medical for last 3 years. Wonder what part of it I didn't understand. My brother just had a heart attack, so that is my wake up call to get back to my fitness pal.

    Been back 17 days. Lost a little. Pleased. Have tossed out lots of food I need to give up. Have kept delish fresh fruit in freezer and cocoa in cupboard. I live in NY. Would like to lose about 70 pounds, but my knees will be better for any weight loss I can accomplish.

    I do keep my food log private, since it is full of notes for me and my medical team. Great way to look at symptoms and see if same foods in past may have induced same symptoms. Logging every single thing is perfect. Glad to have the notes section. I use it liberally, daily.

    Relating to your stories. Giving this group thing a try. All the best to you all.
  • JoAnnRyan123
    JoAnnRyan123 Posts: 110 Member
    Yesterday was my bday, so I'm now 36yrs old
    HW 162
    CW 140
    Goal 110