4/1 Day 43 April Fool's Day!

Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
Ah April Fool's Day. The day where harmless pranks are cast upon one another all day. A day where you can get back at just about anyone unless you go to far with it. Unfortunatly, I couldn't think of a good prank that wasn't outright mean on here so we are going to do something different. We are going to prank ourselves!

Today's Challenge: FOOL YOURSELF.....with two of the things below :)

Do one of these!
different ways to trick yourself healthily


I want you to google/youtube a 1980's fitness video that you think is funny and do it! You will be laughing so much by the end of it XD

Good luck everyone and try not to get pranked!


  • sandrajohnson143
    sandrajohnson143 Posts: 17 Member
    both are done for the day yeah
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Soooo, I don't know what to say!
    These videos are hilarious! I will have to ask my mom about them and see if she thinks they are "normal".
  • Auna37
    Auna37 Posts: 708 Member
    I know! They were great!