traveling tips, please!

eb9933 Posts: 15 Member
not sure who all is out there still, but whoever you are, i'd love to get some tips from you. i had to travel for business last week--stopped exercising, stopped logging my foods, gained a little weight. i have to travel again next week. i should be able to do some walking, but do you have any recommendations for not "taking a vacation" from the good eating habits i've developed at home? thanks!


  • lauradraucker463
    lauradraucker463 Posts: 7 Member
    I didn't do great at this myself when I use to travel for work, it's hard! But a few things that did help: on travel days, pack food or go to the grocery store before traveling, on the road/airport food is never worth the calories. I have even brought a salad with dressing on the side on the plane with no problems. Bring some healthy snacks that travel well for during the days ( granola bars, nuts) especially if you are in meetings or conferences where not-good-for-you-food is around. Start the day well with a healthy breakfast or workout, that way if you have a lunch or dinner where you have less control, you still had a good morning. I know when I traveled there were almost always drinks at night, so if I didn't work out first thing it didn't happen. There are some good workout clips on youtube if you are stuck somewhere without a gym, and a resistance band is easy to pack. I have found with this process that forcing myself to log food even if it is just 2 of 3 meals helps me stay mostly on track, even when I am not planning to eat healthy all day. Hope that helps!
  • eb9933
    eb9933 Posts: 15 Member
    thanks laura! the biggest problem turned out to be exactly what you said--forcing myself to log food while away. in fact, i didn't log it at all! i was pretty happy about the food choices i made, but i may be in for a not-great surprise on sunday (my weigh-in day). well, if so, i'll just know that now that i'm home, i can get back on track.