5ft1 - current weight 146lb - goal 126lb - age 47

Been about 14lb overweight for several years and seriously intend to do something about it now. I have one son aged 17 who has Aspergers - he only leaves the house to go to College so I go to the gym with him. I have 2 cats, 3 chickens - and a husband! wink:


  • jls1788
    jls1788 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there! I'm 5"2, 151 lbs, would love to be 120 but realistically 130 works. I'm 38, 3 boys and a husband. I'll send u a friend request :) we can do this!!!
  • simpleluxe
    simpleluxe Posts: 7 Member
    I'm very close! 5'4, 144.. Goal weight 120. I'm 41 with a son and daughter!
  • simpleluxe
    simpleluxe Posts: 7 Member
    Ps: I sent each of you a friend request!
  • dgprocess
    dgprocess Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'1", 44 years old, starting weight was 150 but I'm currently 135lbs, realistic goal weight is 125 (but would love to get back to 120!). College professor, no kids. Does that matter?