Hello To All

Hey there! I'm Laura, just saying my first hiyas to the group! I've spent the last year making changes (started pescetarian, then vegetarian and then vegan) and I have spent the last 6 months vegan. I feel I get more support and understanding from the online community, i.e. Instagram, and love spreading the vegan love without constantly defending my choices. I love sharing recipes, ideas and being inspired by fellow vegans! I'm new to MFP and currently have no MFP friends haha! So feel free to add me. Looking forward to being a part of Team Vegan! :smiley:


  • SashaMaja
    SashaMaja Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I would be happy to add you. You will probably have a new friend before you even get to read this!
  • veganlauralou
    veganlauralou Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! Thanks for your message, that's great! I think it's great to all inspire and support each other! Looking forward to some success! :smile:
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Nothing is better than having vegan friends.. Congrats on 6 months. It's so hard to always be defending ourselves.. I try not to get into it with anyone because when I'm honest, before I knew what I know, I thought it wasn't "normal" to be vegan.. so hopefully everyone will come around some day! I'm going to add you now :)
  • VeggieStef
    VeggieStef Posts: 54 Member
    Just added you. There are lots of vegans here and lots of support. Also nice to see people's food diaries because you get good meal ideas :smile:
  • beeskneesbabe
    beeskneesbabe Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome, I just added you. I love that there are so many kindred spirits in this group. <3
  • shinrinyokuswife
    shinrinyokuswife Posts: 11 Member
    Just added you too! :)